It’s time for another fun filled, glitterific, Greg-tacular Thrifty Thursday project.    Who doesn’t love the Dollar Tree?!  I mean everything is $1.  And they have so many amazing things for your classroom.  It really is like teacher heaven.
And who doesn’t love summer when you can stay up late pinning ideas for your classroom?!  Combine the two…late night pinning and the dollar tree and you get some pretty awesome classroom tools.
Today’s Thrifty Thursday idea comes from my Heidi at Heidi Songs.
If you’re not following Heidi you need to click that picture and do it now.  She is AMAZING and has the most incredible ideas on her blog and her Pinterest boards are….well…insanely awesome.  I mean, glitteriffic!
So Heidi pinned this wonderful idea for using pool noodles to build color words.  GENIUS!  She really is….
I loved the idea and knew I just had to do it.   I decided to use sight words instead of color words.  The possibilities are endless.  Sight words, names, color words, counting and sets, equations…so many possibilities!
Total cost for this project:  $0.   I had pool noodles in the garage.  I had card stock.  I had markers.  Zero dollars.  Who doesn’t love zero?!?!
I cut the pool noodle into 12″ and then sliced in half.  Heidi has amazing directions for this project on her blog!

And here’s a free set of 30 word cards for you to use!  Just click the picture to download your freebie!

Be sure to link up your Thrifty Thursday posts!

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