A Kindergarten Smorgasboard Schedulin Sunday: August 17th, 2014

Happy Sunday!  It’s rainy and stormy here at the Kindergarten Smorgasboard World Headquarters! It’s a great day for a nap…but there’s no rest for Mr. Greg!  It’s Sunday so it’s time for some Schedulin’ Sunday, lesson plan writing, activity creating, mind blowing, kindergarten world rocking planning for the week!  Who’s ready??
It’s week 2 for us so it’s more rules and procedures.  It’s also CENTER WEEK!  That’s right, we’re introducing math and literacy centers.  This week is all about procedures and expectations.  We’re introducing our tub centers first.  These are stocked with simple to do activities that need little to no explanation so students can grab and go!    I am super excited to settle into a more normal routine and start assessing my gifted ‘staches!  
As always, you can download your very own copy of my lesson plans by clicking on the picture below!
If you’re interested in the template I use for my plans, it’s available at A Teacher’s Plan blog!  It’s called THE GREG!
This week, we continue with our ABC Bootcamp with letters F-J.  I have been asked a lot about our bootcamp…it’s really just a fun name for introducing a letter and sound a day!  We do a circle map of pictures for the sound, we make a silly hat for the sound and we practice writing the letter!  We call it ABC Bootcamp because we’re hitting a letter each day so we can get through them quickly!  Then we can move onto all kinds of fun stuff like blending, and reading more!  
F-Frog hat
G-grass hat
H-Hippo hat
I-insect hat
J-Jelly beans hat
This week is also our Chicka Chicka Boom Boom week!  I love this week. There’s so much art this week and I just love the book!  For reals…it’s PINK, what’s not to love?!?!
Here’s what we have planned for CCBB week!
I love this interactive CCBB chart from Hubbard’s Cupboard!  It’s fun to read and slide the letters through!  The ‘staches love this!  I also add a strip with their names and we slide through their names.  Good times.  I am making a new version for my classroom and can’t wait to reveal it this week!  Stay tuned!

We’re gonna rock some painting, feathers and sandpaper art this week!!!  How much fun are the different ways to make a coconut tree!!  In the past, I’ve used these as an assessment piece.  After assessing each child on letters, they got to add the letters they could name to their tree!  

Of course, we’re making a silly hat!  Each ‘stache gets 4 leaves to cut out and they can add letter stickers to their hat!  
The mister looks sooooo good in his CCBB hat!   If you would like the template for the leaves, just click on the mister!  
Ya’ll, seriously…how awesome is he for playing along with the kindergarten craziness that never stops in our house…currently, he’s cutting and laminating!  Best. Hubby. Ever.
We’ll be going on a letter hunt!  We’ll dig letters out of the sand and name the letter and sound.  Then we place them in order!
I found this AMAZE BALLS idea from Mrs. Lee’s Kinder Kids and knew that I HAD TO DO IT!  It’s loud.  It’s messy.  It’s so me.
You putt upper case letters in a pocket chart.  You put the lowercase letters in balloons.  1 letter per balloon.  You blow up the balloons.  Then the class pops the balloons to get the letters.  They mat the letters!  EPIC.  OMG I can’t tell you how excited I am for this one!!  This is going to be our morning meeting activity Monday!  We’re gonna kick this week off with a bang!
(Click on the picture to download a set of upper and lowercase letters!)
Of course, we have to explore a coconut with our 5 senses!  This best part of this activity??  Opening the coconut!  It’s funny to hear the banging from each classroom as we attempt to open these darn coconuts!  
Click on the picture to get your FREE coconut labels for a class chart!  
We will also read two other ABC books at the end of the week:

And of course, Foodie Fun Friday is a coconut tree with letters!!  Green apple slices, graham crackers, Whoppers and alphabet animal crackers!  YUMMO!
This week in math we are working on numbers to 10!  We will be using our random number CD from Kim Sutton to do dancing fingers.  
The CD plays fun music and calls out random numbers.  The ‘staches hold up that number of fingers!  Super fun, super easy way to get a good idea of who needs help with numbers and counting!
This week we are also introducing ten frames!  We will do a match up game where students have to find the person with the number to match their ten frames.  We will also practice making ten frames.  Each child will have a ten frame mat and some manipulatives.  I’ll show a number on the screen and they have to make that number on their ten frame!
Click the picture to get your free ten frame work mat!

Click the picture to get some fun ten frame activities FREE!  
This week we are also introducing roll and color!  I love roll and color because it can be easily differentiated and used all year long!  Once they learn how to play at the beginning of the year, it’s great for centers, substitutes, time fillers and more!  And my friend Kristine got us these awesome LED dice in Vegas…they are going to make roll and color even more amazing!  
Here’s a free CCBB roll and color set for your class!
Just click the picture to get your freebie!
This week is also all about rules, procedures and expectations!  
We’re doing our bubble self control lesson.  If you’ve never done this lesson, DO IT!  Stand the ‘staches in a circle.  Talk about self control.  Being in control of you.  Not doing something you might want to.  Doing the right thing.  Then tell them you’re going to blow bubbles but they cannot pop them.  NO MATTER WHAT!  They must have self control.  Blow bubbles.  Talk about how hard it is…give tons of praise for having control.
Then you can blow more bubbles and let them pop the bubbles for fun!
We’re also doing one of my fave back to school lessons using one of my fave back to school books:  Miss Nelson Is Missing!
Did you know that Miss Nelson teaches at the Horace B. SMEDLEY school?!  hehehe
After we read we will make a list of words describing Miss Nelson.  Then a list of words describing Miss Swamp.  We talk about what kind of teacher we want and if we want Miss Swamp to come.  Then we talk about the things we can do to make Miss Swamp come.
Then we make a chart to describe Mr. Greg and what kind of teacher we want him to be!
Then we get to make a picture of Miss Swamp!
And that’s our week!
Here are two requested freebies for ya:
Here is an editable version of my class newsletter.  To use this you will need two fonts:  KG THE LAST TIME BUBBLE and KG WHAT THE TEACHER WANTS.  Both are FREE for PERSONAL AND CLASSROOM USE!  Visit KG FONTS on TPT to download your fonts.
And here are the name tags I used with my class:
This week’s activities and centers can be found in these creations:
Click on any picture to learn more!

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