Hello.  It’s me…the plastic egg hoarder again.  And I’m back with another fun math center using plastic eggs.  See…all of these eggs keep multiplying so I need to put them to use!!!!!
So….my class needs practice with subtraction so I made a little subtraction activity using these adorable chick eggs from…wait for it…THE DOLLAR TREE!!!!
These guys come 3 in a pack for $1.  BAM!  Super cheap fun!!

I also used these fun erasers from the Target dollar sport.  60 erasers for $1.  Can we say cheap???!!!
So, I decided that we would be subtracting chicks from carrots!  
In each egg I put some carrots and chicks.  There are more carrots than chicks in each egg.  This keeps in consistent so we remember that the big number comes first.  (The recording sheet is set up like this too!)
Students grab an egg, open  the egg.  Count the carrots.  Write.  Count the chicks.  Write.  Subtract.
BAM!  Fun, engaging subtraction center!  AND CHEAP!

Throw the chicks in a cute bucket.  Add in the recording sheet and you’re ready to meet common core math standards in a fun, hands on engaging way!

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