So…it’s the last two months of the school year…we’re all looking for ways to keep our kiddos engaged and somewhat manageable. You know…in between peeling them off the ceiling….so I’m always on the lookout for new ideas and activities to make learning fun. I happened to come across this really awesome test tube sight word idea at Heidi Songs! (She’s brilliant by the way….so make sure you’re following her!) Well, you know me….I’m always up for making something and doing new things. I mean, what’s the word that can happen?! It could be an epic fail…and that’s ok. We learn from it. We fix it and we move forward. (A tantrum is ok too….if necessary…) Keep reading to learn how to make and use Test Tube Sight Words!
Test Tube Sight Words
Are ya ready for some TEST TUBE SIGHT WORDS?!?!?!?!?!?! I know….right?!?!
These are going to be an epic hit in my kindergarten classroom!
This project took me about 30 minutes to complete and cost me about $15.
You will need:
Test Tubes-click the link to get the tubes I used from Amazon. The size matters. You don’t want your letter beads getting out of order.
Letter Beads-click the link to use the beads I used. I went with colorful beads because I love colors. The brighter the better. (Tip: Order 2 packages so you have enough letters…..just sayin. Learn from me!)
Waterproof Glue-You know…because no 5 year old in my class would EVER open the lid and pour the water out. Never. Ever.
Glitter-everything is better with glitter.
The first thing I did was determine which sight words to use. Guess what I did?!?! I used ….wait for it…DATA! I went to my ESGI assessment and pulled our sight word data and used the words we missed the most. BAM! See…a fun, engaging activity using data.
Then you can start assembling your test tube sight words.
First, you want to spell out your word. This makes putting it in the tube easier.
I put each word in the tube the same way. The word reads from the top down. So when you put the beads into the tube, put them in backward. Each tube is the same so they all read top down.
Next, add water. Be sure to leave some space at the top for the lid. And the air allows the glitter and beads to float more freely.
Then use the waterproof glue to seal the lid in the tube. I used a paintbrush to keep it clean and neat. Then I brushed a little glue around the top rim of the tube and then inserted the lid.
This is a challenging activity so I wouldn’t use it with students who haven’t mastered sight words. I would use it as a challenge for students who need a little more rigor with sight words.
And of course, there is a recording sheet!
Click the picture to get your freebie!