
Letter Spoons

It’s time for another Thrifty Thursday project! 
This one cost me $4.  Yeah.  A differentiated letter and sound center/workstation/hippopatamus for jsut $4.  BAM!
You need:  plastic spoons (clear and colored)
Plastic spoons.
Label one set of spoons with uppercase letters.
Label the second set of spoons with lowercase letters.  
Students then match the uppercase and lowercase letters. 
You can even include a recording sheet for them to document their learning.

You can provide a dry erase board and markers and have them write the letters when they find the match!
You can also use your spoons to practice beginning sounds!
I made these bowls with pictures for each sound.  Students say the picture, say the sound and put the spoon with that letter  into the bowl!!
Remember to link up your Thrifty Thursday posts!!!


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