A Kindergarten Smorgasboard Schedulin’ Sunday: Novemeber 1st, 2015

Happy Schedulin’ Sunday!!!!     
It’s time to kick off our month of thankfulness and turkeys and pilgrims and overeating and elastic waistbands!  AND CHRISTMAS MUSIC!   Yeah…Smorgie says it’s ok to start the Christmas music now!
And with that little piece of Greg-isms….on to the goods!
As always you can download my weekly lesson plans by clicking on the picture!
We’re spending all of November learning about all things Thanksgiving.  This week we’re learning all about Native Americans.  Since they were here first, we learn about them first!
We will be reading these books this week as part of our research into Native Americans!
(Click the pictures to go to Amazon!)
PS  There aren’t many good books for Native Americans that are on a kindergarten level…I was a little disappointed!
Our research and writing will be using my Thanksgiving Research Creation!   We will  make a schema map and record our new learning all week!   We will use tree maps (can have are) and write about Native Americans.  We will label Native Americans!  
We are also making a totem pole!   I found this awesome idea from A Place Called Kindergarten.
We will use the plethora (OOOO BIG WORD Mr. Greg) of Amazon boxes in our garage.  Each group of students will choose an animal to represent their group. Then they will paint their box and their animal and we will make a totem pole!
This week we’re also comparing and contrasting two stories about the old lady!   We will read The Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves and we’ll revisit the Old Lady Who Swallowed A Bat and compare and contrast the two using a double bubble map!
(See how many Thinking Maps we use each week?!)
In math, we’re moving from 2D shapes and position words to 3D shapes!
We’ll start off 3D shapes by making shape monsters.
We will use our shape monsters to complete our 3D shape anchor chart!
We will use toothpicks and marshmallows to build 3D shape models!
And we will wrap up our 2D and 3D shape unit with a Shape Party!
Each child brings in a snack that is a 2D or 3D shape.  We identify the shape and we sort the shapes as 2D or 3D!   Then we eat the shapes!
Our poem this week is about 3D shapes!
Click for your free poem!
In writing, we’re moving on to personal narratives and writing books!  
And we have a field trip…and parent teacher conferences!   
And that’s our week!
Here are some freebies for ya!
We will be using these creations in our classroom:
Check out Mrs. Wills Kindergarten for more great posts full of lesson plans and ideas!

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