Schedulin Sunday: Presidents and Place Value

It’s Schedulin Sunday here at The Kindergarten Smorgasboard World Headquarters!
It’s going to be one of those odd weeks where we actually have a full, 5 day week with no craziness happening.  No snow…no holidays…no workshops.  I mean,  this could turn out to be our first full week since December.  I’m not sure we’ll know how to act.
And we’re going to use that time to catch up on our assessments and wrapping up some unfinished business of learning about the Presidents.  WE WILL FINISH OUR RESEARCH JOURNALS!  WE WILL FINISH OUR RESEARCH JOURNALS!  
As always, you can snag our lesson plans by clicking on the picture!
This week we will be comparing and contrasting presidents using double bubble maps!
We will be learning about the office of the President and doing a true false sort!
We will be writing about what we would do if we were president.  
And….I’m gonna try to make the student silhouettes again this year.  Wish me luck!
In math, we’re going to be working on place value.  This week we’re gonna venture into higher numbers!   I was so proud of the ‘staches and how well they mastered place value last week, so this week I’m going to challenge them to build numbers to 100 using tens and ones!
Specifically with pool noodles!
That’s pretty much it!   A lot of catching up!   
But of course, there are freebies!
This is a MASSIVE freebie!  There are 4 emergent readers included!  One for George, Abe and Barack!  As well as a President President What Do You See reader!   Each is in full color and blackline!

And of course, our resources for the week!

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