People, this is it! It is the last Schedulin’ Sunday of the 2015-2016 school year. This year has flown by! And let me just say…it has been an amazing year with an amazing group of ‘staches…but the transition to a new school has been…let’s just say….like having teeth pulled. It was not easy and smooth but I’ve learned a tremendous amount and I think I’ve made an impact. But, let’s be real, it’s been a horrible year personally with the loss of my mom. But I can say that this group of kids has been amazing and we will forever share a bond because of the love and support they have given me as I mourn the loss of mom. They will forever hold an incredible place in my heart.
So, with that said…here’s to an amazing last week with my class and another week of fun and learning and more cussing from The Cusser!
And no lesson plans this week…because…it’s the last week…and I’m going to Hawaii Thursday through Sunday for a conference…then I’m back for the last day and a half with my mustaches!
BUT you can download everyone of my lesson plans right here! It’s so true. An entire folder of all of my plans from this year!
Monday we are wrapping up our ocean animals research with a little Venn Diagram action comparing a shark and a dolphin. And we will be assembling our research journals!
(Stay tuned for a blog post featuring all of the fun of our entire ocean unit!)
Also this week we are doing Cow And Chicken! This is one of my favorite books and I always save it for the end of the year because it’s just so much fun to read and argue debate with the kids!
We read the story. We debate if it’s a cow or chicken. We write about why we think it’s a cow or chicken. We vote for cow or chicken. And Mr. Greg never tells us if it’s a cow or chicken. Hello frustration!
click the image to get your freebies!
Also this week we spend some time reflecting and writing about our year in kindergarten, about Mr. Greg and our favorite part of kindergarten! These get saved and used for our bulletin board for back to school!
Sang your freebies!
And we have some fun with paint and cookies and flyswatters…
We celebrate letter F with flyswatter painting! Hello epic mess!
Hellp epic fun!
We celebrate G with glitter bombs!
Yes, I glitter bomb my class. I mean…GLITTER BOMB THEM!
(Click the picture to see the video from last year….EPIC!)
And for c for cookie day we taste different kinds of Oreos and vote for our favorite!
And of course, the final emergent reader of the year!

Free EDITABLE end of the year mustache awards!
Click on the picture to read more about our end of the year awards!
Check out this post for some great ideas for end of the year read alouds!
And of course, we’re still rocking our centers so we’ll be using these resources this week!