It’s Schedulin Sunday here at The Kindergarten Smorgasboard World Headquarters!  We’re kicking off our first full week of school and that means one thing:  Exhausted Mr. Greg and really sore feet….just kidding.  I mean, that’s totally true…but our first full week of school means:
ABC BOOTCAMP!!!!   I can’t wait to celebrate another year of ABC BOOTCAMP with my ‘staches!
As always, you can download my weekly lesson plans by clicking the picture!
This template is available from the blog, A TEACHER’S PLAN!   The template is called THE GREG!
This week we’re kicking off ABC BOOTCAMP!   We’re going to learn the letters and sounds A-E!
We make a circle  map for each letter, a silly hat for each letter and we practicing writing each letter!
The hats are designed by JEN HART DESIGN!  They are included in the ABC BOOTCAMP creation!
A for ambulance!
B for bee!
C for castle!
D for disco ball.  Because, well, duh.  Everyone needs a disco ball hat!
E for envelope!
Also this week we’re working on learning our names.  Recognizing our names…writing our names…and making our names!
We make a name graph to count the letters in our names after reading Chrysanthemum!
We make a circle map of our names!
We also play the name game!  To play the name game, we use a PowerPoint slide show.  Each slide features the name of a student.  When they see their name, they stand up and sit down!  We start slow and over the next two weeks, we speed up the name game until it goes very fast!
Click the image to download your free PowerPoint template for the name game!
We will also make a new version of rainbow names!  Instead of a rainbow pattern, we’re going to make them neon!  NEON NAMES!   And yes, of course, we’re going to add glitter!  LOTS OF GLITTER!
Thanks Mrs. Jump’s Class for this fun idea!
In math, we’re going to kick off NUMBER BOOTCAMP!  It’s very similar to ABC BOOTCAMP but with numbers!  And no hats!  We will make circle maps for numbers 1-5!
We also work on number recognition by pointing to numbers on our random number chart!  This is a great way to get a very quick sense of student’s number recognition skills!
Click the image to see my blog post about this easy assessment activity!
Also in math we’re going to be learning our colors!  We read Brown Bear Brown Bear and find items in our classroom to match each color.  Then we color our brown bear coloring page!  We also sort dot stickers by color!
click the image for your freebie!
We also read Pete The Cat Rocking My School Shoes and we make a predictable chart that says:  I love my ______ shoes.  The students have to share their favorite color!
We also work on procedures and expectations and read David Goes To School.  Then we do a good choice and bad choice sort!
We read Officer Buckle And Gloria and make a circle map of safety rules for our classroom!
We also read the book Big Plans and we share our hopes and dreams for kindergarten!  Each child shares what they want to learn in kindergarten and we record all of our ideas on our hopes and dreams circle map!
We also turn our hopes and dreams into a predictable chart!
And finally, we end our week FOODIE FUN FRIDAY!  This week we’re making friendship salad!  This is a great way to talk about how we’re a family and how we want only nice things and kind words in our classroom!    Click the image to get the recipe for Friendship Salad!
And that is our busy first full week of school!
Here’s a free emergent reader that we will use this week!
Here are the creations we will be using this week:

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