IT’S BACK!   Wednesday centers is back on the blog!  This will be a weekly post where I share some of the math and literacy centers we’re doing in our classroom!  I hope you find some resources and ideas for making your workstations more fun and engaging!   (AND EASY!)  You can click on any image for more information!

Literacy Centers

Spider Sounds!

spider sounds

Pumpkin letters and sounds!  This is how we differentiate our centers!   Some of us are working on letters and some are working on sounds!

pumpkin centers

Fire sounds!   Extinguish those beginning sounds!

literacy centers

Clip It Learn It!   Working on those fine motor skills and beginning sounds!

literacy centers

Frankenstein letters and sounds!   Eyeballs make learning letters and sounds much more fun because someone’s always watching!

frankenstein centers

Frank’s letters!   Frankenstein letter recognition!  (Click the image to get your FREEBIE!)

halloween letters

Smashing Sounds!   Yes they yell SMASH when they match the letter and picture!  Of course they do…

beginning sound centers

Smashing Sight Words!

sight word centers

Monster Letters!

letter recognition centers

Math Centers

Monster ten frames!   I love that the ten frames are the monster’s teeth.

monster math

Candy corn math!   A “sweet” way to work on number sense!   Get it?!  Sweet…candy…HAHA

candy corn math

Monster counting!   I know these cubes can be a pain to assemble but they’re so fun!  Sometimes a few staples to the finger (true story…) is a noble sacrifice to see your kids learning and having fun!

monster centers

Counting monsters!

monster counting

Smashing Numbers!

counting centers

Counting bones!   This is another fun and FREE math center idea!!   (Click the image for your freebie!)

halloween math

Eye can count!  Get it?!  Eye…eyeballs…you know you laughed a little… This is another spooky and FREE math center!  (Click the image for your freebie!)

ten frames

Cauldron counting!   This was a new math center today and it was a huge hit!  They loved putting the candy in the cauldrons!  (FREEBIE ALERT!  CLICK THE IMAGE!)

halloween centers

Ten frame cards for fall and Halloween are great to use with the mini erasers from Target!!


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