schedulin sunday arctic animals

It’s pumpkin time and Schedulin’ Sunday!

This week is all about addition and pumpkins!    And as always you can download my lesson plans by clicking the image below!

 pumpkin lesson planskindergarten lesson plans

The ‘staches will be using my Pumpkins Research creation this week (and next week) to learn all about pumpkins!


We kick off pumpkin week  2 by reviewing our pumpkins schema map and adding some new learning!pumpkin kwl

pumpkins schema map

This week are learning the life cycle of a pumpkin!  We make a class chart and then ‘staches do their own life cycle in their pumpkin research journal!

pumpkin life cycle

pumpkin facts

For Mad Science Friday we will experiment to see if a pumpkin will sink or float!

pumpkin sink or float

And for Foodie Fun Friday we will make mini pumpkin pies!  (Click the image for directions on making these pumpkin pies!)

pumpkin pie snack

mini pumpkin pie

We also have pumpkin centers and pumpkins in our sensory bin!

pumpkin sensory bin

pumpkin centers

Pumpkin books!

pumpkins books

For more pumpkin ideas, check out this blog posts:

Pumpkin Explosion

We are also continuing with word family bootcamp!   This week we’re learning OT and OB words!   We will make circle maps then we build words.  Finally we write word family words!

word families



In math we’re introducing subtraction!   I always introduce subtraction using the book Five Little Monkeys!

We read the story and act it out to practice taking away.

subtraction five little monkeys subtraction

And yes I dress like a monkey.  Because if you’re going to read Five Little Monkeys, you must dress like a monkey!

Tuesday we will put monkeys in the coconut tree and the monkey’s will fall out.  We will record our equations on our chart!  (click the images for a YouTube video of this lesson!)

kindergarten subtraction kindergarten subtraction

And that’s our week!!!!


pumpkin emergent reader

pumpkin poem

Here are the resources we’re using this week!


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