schedulin sunday arctic animals

Happy  Schedulin’ Sunday!  This week we are embarking on our   3 week journey around the world to celebrate Holidays Around The World!  We will be visiting a different country each day learning about how they celebrate Christmas!   We’re also working on decomposing numbers to 10!

And as always you can download my lesson plans by clicking the image below!

holidays around the world lesson plans kindergarten lesson plans

Holidays Around The World

The ‘staches will be using my Holidays Around The World research creation to learn how different countries celebrate the holidays!

holidays around the world

For each country, we “fly” to the country using Google Earth.  Before we can take off, every child receives their own airplane ticket for the flight!  Then we read a book about Christmas in the country we are visiting.  We record our learning on our country chart.  The ‘staches record the learning in their research journal.  We stamp our passports.  And finally we make a craft for each country!   This year I ordered flags for all of the countries we visit and we will display the flags when we visit the country.

holidays around the world

holidays around the world

This week we’re visiting:  Mexico, Italy, England, France and Germany!

holidays around the world holidays around the world christmas christmas christmas

Mexico-Read Las Pasadas and we bust a pinata and make a poinsettia craft!  (The template for the poinsettia is my Holly Jolly Christmas creation)

holidays around the world

Italy-Read La Befana and make a broom


Germany-Read The Legend Of The Christmas tree and make a Christmas tree (with glitter of course!)


France-Read Madeline’s Christmas and make a Yule Log

England-Read A Christmas Carol and make holly using our feet!   Watch a video of the Queen’s christmas speech!


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(Click each book to see it on Amazon)

For Foodie Fun Friday we have a snack that represents something we learned about each country:

Yule Log (swiss cake rolls)

Christmas Trees (Christmas Tree snack cakes)

Cheese and queso and Tamales

christmas around the world

For more ideas and information on how we celebrate Holidays Around The World, check out my blog post from last year’s trip around the world!


This week we’re working on decomposing numbers to 10.  We did decomposing to 5 and my ‘staches knocked it out of the park so we’re moving on to decomposing to 10!

We start off with our giant red and yellow counters and we show ways to make 10!   After we practice making 10, the ‘staches do some independent practice making 10!

making 10

decomposing numbers

Click to get your freebie!

We will then use our giant floor number bond to practice decomposing numbers!   After we use our giant floor number bond, we will use our giant paper number bonds to practice decomposing on our own!

decomposing numbers number bond

For a video of our number bond lesson, check out this post!

decomposing numbers

Click here for a number bond freebie!

We are also continuing with word family bootcamp!   This week we’re going to be reading and writing words from all of the word families that we’ve learned!   We will also be focusing on the word families that our data shows we need more work with!  Thanks to ESGI I’ve been assessing our word families and I can now focus in on the word families that challenged us!




santa poem


 gingerbread man emergent reader

Here are the resources we’re using this week:

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