Raise your hand if you love Michaels (or Hobby Lobby).  Raise your hand if you can’t leave those places without buying ALL THE THINGS!   You know I love using everyday objects to make centers (hippopotamuses) for my class.  So when I saw these plastic ornaments and some Christmas sequins,  and idea was born:  counting ornaments!

ornament counting

Here’s what you need to make counting ornaments:

Clear plastic ornaments (PLASTIC PEOPLE!!!!   Ya’ll know what 5 year olds do to glass…or anything fragile…)

Christmas sequins (or glitter!  ALL THE GLITTER!)

Fake Snow (I used little styrofoam balls)

Numbers (I cut circles out of cardstock and wrote the number on the card stock.  SIMPLE!)

christmas centers

Fill the ornaments with the fake snow and sequins.  Tip: less is more!  The first two ornaments had too much snow so I started filling the balls about a third of the way with the fake snow!


counting ornaments

Next I slid my number into the ornament!

counting ornaments

Finally I popped the top back onto the ornament!  BAM!  Counting ornaments!

counting ornaments ornament counting

Students will choose an ornament, shake and say the number.  They will write the number and make the ten frame!   If you have a small Christmas tree, you can even hang the ornaments on the tree and they can choose the ornaments from the tree!    This idea will also work for sight words, CVC words, letters and more!

Counting Ornaments Recording Sheet

counting ornaments

Also check out my newest creation:  Smashing Ornaments!

counting ornaments



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