
Space and Subtraction: Schedulin’ Sunday

schedulin sunday arctic animals

Happy  Schedulin’ Sunday!    This week is all about space research and writing and Subtraction Bootcamp!  And we’re continuing our end of the year Alphabet Countdown with red and rock and roll day, the wedding of Q and U, a picnic, orange day and new name day!

Space And Subtraction Lesson Plans!

 space lesson plans

As always you can click on the image to download my weekly lesson plans about Space research and writing and subtraction to 10!

Space Research

space research and writing

We will be using my Mission Space Research Project to learn about day and night, astronauts and space!  We start off learning about day and night and then we learn about astronauts and apply to be an astronaut.  Once we’re all approved as astronauts, we start Mission Space to explore the planets!

space research

Read What Makes Day And Night.  We do a day and night sort and make and label a diagram of things we see in the day and night sky!

day and night sort

day and night labeling

We read I Want To Be An Astronaut and create a tree map about astronauts.  Then each student completes their astronaut application.  Once they are approved, we take pictures in our astronaut photo booth so we can start our space mission!  We also label the parts of an astronaut’s space suit!

 astronauts kindergarten

astronaut lesson plans


This year I’m going to try our astronaut picture with a green screen app!!!  EEEK!  Wish me luck!  This super cute astronaut helmet is just a grocery bag with a hole cut and out and a white circle made out of construction paper!

Once we are all approved and suited up for space, we start our mission to explore the planets!  Each day we visit a planet.  We learn about the planet and finally we write what we learned about the planet using our planet fact sheet!   Each student also creates a drawing or picture of the planet!

    space lesson plans

Space Books

space books

Also check out these fun space resources:


We’re also continuing are Alphabet Countdown!   This week is R, Q, P, O and N!   R is for red shirts and rock and roll music!  Q is for the wedding of Q and U!  P is for picnic!  O is for wear orange!  And N is for new name day!

For more on our ALPHABET COUNTDOWN check out this post for ideas and freebies!

Math- Subtraction

In math, we will be practicing subtraction with Subtraction Bootcamp!   And we’re continuing our timed fluency tests with our FLASH Math Fluency creation!  We do 50 problems in 5 minutes and make it a game for the students.  The data is not posted or shared and we only do our best each day!

subtraction bootcamp

Here’s how we’re using Subtraction Bootcamp to practice and differentiate our subtraction lessons!

Whole Group-circle chart where we find equations to equal the answer.

Independent Practice-student circle charts where students work independently to find the equations for their circle maps.

Small Groups-Mission Subtraction for higher order thinking.  Students must find two numbers together that equal the answer. Like a crossword puzzle!

      addition bootcamp

math fluency

Space Freebies

space poem

space emergent reader

space kindergarten

  These are the resources and creations we are using this week:


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