Halloween Kindergarten Activities For Math And Literacy

Today I’m showing you how I made four Halloween Kindergarten Activities for under $20 and less than an hour of time!   One of the things that we always try to do here at TKS is to show you ideas, lessons, strategies and activities that you can easily do in your classroom.  I am a HUGE believer in KISS (Keep It Simple Silly)!  I am not someone who believes in the go big or go home method and I don’t feel like my kids need me to go big or go home to be engaged.  Oh and I’m a big fan  being cheap.  I mean, basically the Dollar Tree is my favorite classroom store.  You can get so much stuff for very little money.

So that’s the inspiration behind today’s post.  Four Halloween Kindergarten Activities that you can do easily and for less than $20 in under an hour.  And they can be differentiated and they can be be used for any skill your students needs practice with!

Halloween Kindergarten Activities #1:  Halloween Letter Recognition

You will need 3 pumpkin ice cube trays from the Dollar Tree and 3 packages of plastic eyeballs from the Dollar Tree!

Halloween Kindergarten Activities

Use a Sharpie to write the letters of the alphabet on the eyeballs and in the pumpkin ice cube trays.  The letters in the pumpkins are in order because the eyeballs will be mixed up so the students won’t be able to simply put the letters in order, they will have to match the letters!

halloween literacy ideas

Halloween ABC ideas

Students will simply choose an eyeball, say the letter and place the letter into the correct pumpkin for a fun, engaging Halloween letter recognition game!

Halloween Kindergarten Activities

For recording sheets, I am using recording sheets from my Great Pumpkin Research Project!  There are recording sheets for letters and for sounds so I can differentiate this activity for students who need letter recognition and for students who need to practice their beginning sound identification!

pumpkins research project

Halloween Kindergarten Activities #2:  Spiderweb Counting

For this creepy crawly Halloween math activity, you’ll need spiderweb plates and spider erasers found in the Target Halloween section!  But, super cheap spider rings work too!   You will also need some dot stickers!  I used yellow dots so they would stand out against the spider web!

Halloween counting activities

Simply write numbers on the dot stickers and place the dot stickers on the spiderweb plates.  Students say the number and count the correct number of spiders on to the web!

Fall math games

Halloween Kindergarten Activities

For recording sheets, I will use recording sheets from our Spider Research Project!  Students can do number recognition or make ten frames after counting the spiders!

kindergarten spider lessons

Halloween Kindergarten Activities #3:  Creepy Sight Words

For this Halloween sight words recognition activity you’ll need some creepy foam shapes.  At the Dollar Tree I found come foam skulls.  They also have bats, spiders and ghosts that will work!  In my collection (a well organized collection so I’m definitely not hoarding…) of materials and supplies, I had these cute little tombstones.  But again, Dollar Tree has some super fun and creep foam shapes that will work!

Halloween sight words

Use a Sharpie to write sight words on each shape.  To differentiate this Halloween sight word game, I used our ESGI data to see our most missed sight words and used those words to give students extra practice!   Students choose a word, read the word and match the word!  You can also have them build the word and write the word!

Halloween sight words halloween literacy centers

Halloween Kindergarten Activities #4:  Leafy Numbers And Counting!

These foam leaves came from Target and they’ve been spotted at Michaels too!

fall math games

Simply write a number on one half of the leave and make the appropriate number of dots (or tally marks) on the opposite half.  And cut apart!  Students count the dots and find the number to make the leaf!

kindergarten fall activities Halloween Kindergarten Activities

To watch a Facebook LIVE replay of how we made all these centers, check out this video:

For more fun Halloween Kindergarten Activities and Fall activities make sure to check out these posts:


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