
Money And Brave Irene: Schedulin’ Sunday

Happy  Schedulin’ Sunday! This week we are researching and writing about Martin Luther King Jr, reading Brave Irene and counting money!   Can we say BUSY week?!

And as always you can download my lesson plans by clicking the image below!

kindergarten lesson plans

Martin Luther King, JR

The ‘staches will be using my Martin Luther King, Jr. research creation to research and write about MLK.   We will learn about his life, his words, and how he changed the world.


martin luther king kindergarten

For more on our MLK research project, check out this post!

This week we are also embarking on a new adventure using a “complex” text chosen by our district!  We will be reading Brave Irene and doing lots of fun comprehension activities with the book!  We will be using our newest READ IT UP creation to write and draw about Brave Irene!

brave irene


This week we’re also continuing  Vowel Bootcamp!   This week is u_e words.  We sort words by the short or long vowel sounds, we create a circle chart of words, we build words, we read and write words!  kindergarten vowels

vowel bootcamp

Check out this post for more on Vowel Bootcamp (and see a video of it in action!)!

kindergarten vowel lessons


In math, we are continuing our new money unit  We’re learning  about money!  This week we’re focused on counting money!  Each day we will make a bubble map to describe a different coin. Finally, we will our counting and skip counting skills to count coins!

money kindergarten lesson plans

Money Books:

MLK Freebies!

matin luther king jr kindergarten activities

Resources For The Week:

brave irene lesson plans kindergarten

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