Raise your hand if you have these differentiation cubes in your classroom!
People, every hand should be raised! These little things are amazing!
And honestly, I might have 20 in my room. (I have a hoarding problem…it’s OK..I admit it!)
But seriously, if you don’t have them, click on the picture to get a set or 6!
So, I love my peeps and my friends. And in case you don’t know, ya’ll are my peeps and my friends. I love ya’ll. And I gotta take care of ya!
So I was driving home today from school and said, “Hey Greg, you need to make a fun freebie for all of your friends and peeps!”
So I sat down, and whipped out this little freebie!
Differentiation Cube Freebie
It’s a simple, low prep center! Print, cut, slip into the cubes and bam!
You can do sounds or letter recognition and work on phonemic awareness!

AND you can differentiate it!
So, let’s say you’re looking at your data (cuz that’s what we do!) and you see you have a couple of students who need to work on sounds a, f, g, k, y, and m. You slip those pictures into a cube and off they go!
Still no cubes??? Well…you can use it in a pocket chart or they can just pick a card and color the circle. Or you can make it a write the room activity.
So there ya go! A differentiated freebie with many different uses.
But really…get you some cubes!
If you like this type of center/hippopotamus/workstation…check out my pocket chart concentration games! These pocket chart games can also be used in the differentiation cubes!!! So you can really differentiate and target skills your students need to work on! These are some of my favorite center activities because they’re so easy to prep and use!