Ten Frames And Families: Schedulin Sunday

It’s time for  Schedulin’ Sunday!  This week we are continuing ABC BOOTCAMP to introduce letters and sounds!  We’re also continuing Number Bootcamp, working with ten frames and learning about families!  Plus we’re starting sight words with Sight Word 60!

Lesson Plans For Letters And Sounds, Ten Frames and Families

Here are our lesson plans for introducing letters and sounds and numbers!    Click the image to download my lesson plans!

kindergarten lesson plans



This week we are continuing ABC BOOTCAMP!!!!  ABC BOOTCAMP is a research based, classroom proven approach to introducing letters and sounds.  This is an intense and immersive experience in letters and sounds! We are continuing with our new order for ABC BOOTCAMP!

ABC BOOTCAMP starts with circle charts.  This week we are learning I, C, N, O, F.

abc bootcamp kindergarten phonics letters and sounds phonemic awareness

We also do handwriting for each letter.  I explicitly model how to form each letter and the students practice writing the letter using the included handwriting sheets.

For each letter, we also make a silly hat!  This is one of my favorite parts of ABC BOOTCAMP!  The hats are great at re-inforcing letters and sounds and they also provide daily fine motor practice and cutting practice!

For more on ABC BOOTCAMP, check out this blog post:

letters and sounds


This week we’re using our newest research project to learn all about our families!

Click the picture below for the preview

Here’s what we have planned:

circle maps:  who’s in our family, where families live, what families do together, how families irritate each other

tree maps:  families have, families, can, families live in, families like to do together

The students will be drawing and writing about their families, where they live and what they like to do with their families.

We will also be using our fingerprints to show how we are all unique and how we are special just like our families!  And we will do a Venn Diagram for brothers and sisters,

These are the books we’re reading this week:

We’re also reading How I Spent My Summer Vacation and writing about what we did in the summer!

Back To School Research Project

We are continuing our school supply research and learning how to use our school supplies!

For each supply we make an anchor chart and then complete a puzzle!

For all the detail on our School Supply research project, check out this post!

Sight Word 60

This week we’re kicking off sight words with sight word 60!  Sight Word 60 takes just a few minutes a day and has amazing results!

We read and spell the words.  We use the words in a sentence.  Then we color the words in our grids and graph our sight words!

kindergarten sight words sight words

For more on Sight Word 60, check out this post:


In math we are continuing NUMBER BOOTCAMP!!!!!!!!!!!!  This week is numbers 8-12.  We make circle charts and practice writing the numbers!

number bootcamp

number bootcamp

Ten Frames

This week we are focusing on ten frames for one to one correspondence and number recognition!

We will be using paper plates and our giant floor ten frame to practice counting to 10 with 1 to 1 correspondence!

We will read Ten Black Dots and the students will practice putting black dots on ten frames!

And we will read Mouse Count.  For our whole group lesson, we will put the “mice” in a jar and leave some out.  We will count and use number talks to discuss how many we have all together!  To assess students counting, the students will do a cut and paste with mice in the jar!

For more ten frame lessons, check out these posts:

ten frames

Foodie Fun Friday

This week for Foodie Fun Friday we are making our face on a cookie using frosting, licorice, and M&Ms!


These are the creations we are using in our classroom for the first day and beginning of the year!




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