One of our favorite and most effective classroom management tools is the wireless doorbell as our class attention-getter. Now, there are plenty of class attention getters out there. But my issue with them is that they all require more noise. If they idea of class attention getters is to get the attention of the class, the less noise the better. That’s where the doorbell comes in. With a single ring, we freeze and look at Mr. Greg. No clapping or singing or call backs. No noise. Just the attention of the class.
You can put your buzzer in a sanitizer holder, as seen here. This is a sanitizer holder from Bath & Body Works. They fit PERFECTLY!
You can also hot glue the buzzer to a clothespin and clip it to your lanyard!
Class Attention Getters: How I introduce The Doorbell
Just like every procedure, routine and expectation, our students must be taught how to respond to the sound of the doorbell. Here’s how we do it:
On the first day of school, I tell them they will hear a sound. Then I ring the doorbell.
I explain that the sound they hear is our doorbell. And our doorbell means to stop, put your hands in a safe place and look at Mr. Greg. (Explain what a safe place is: in your lap, at your side, in your pocket or behind your back are the options I give my students)
Then I model what that looks like. I ring the doorbell. I put my hands in a safe place and a giant bubble in my mouth (exaggerate to show them a quiet mouth). And I ask them to tell me what they saw.
Finally, we practice. I ring the doorbell and see if they respond appropriately. And we continue to practice a lot over the next couple of days.
Reinforcement Of The Doorbell
As the year progresses, if I notice we’re not responding as well to the doorbell, we simply have a refresher course with lots of praise and practice. I also acknowledge the students who do it first and fastest. And yes, sometimes we even reward them with a Skittle. WILL WORK FOR A SKITTLE!
Here is a video from our first day of school where I introduce the doorbell as our class attention getter:
I highly recommend a SadoTech doorbell!
For more information on the wireless doorbell check out this post: