DIY Sensory Bin With PVC Pipe

I feel like I am on a mission to bring PVC pipe to every classroom in the world!   Plus, I am also kind of obsessed with PVC Pipe and all of the fun stuff you can make with it.  I mean…I keep coming up with new ways to use it!   The stuff is cheap.  It can be painted to match your classroom.  Did I mention cheap?!  And it really is a simple solution to some of our classroom needs!
Today we’re doing a DIY Sensory Bin with PVC Pipe!


diy sensory bin


This is our sensory bin container.  We bought 2 of these from Lowes.

This is the sensory bin stand.  You can see it has 2 support bars to help prevent spills.  But spills do still happen and it’s ok!

The measurements are:

Using 3/4″ PVC Pipe

Four legs-26″

Long sides-20″

Short Sides-16″

Support Bars-16″

Support Bar Sides-2″

You will need:

4 T connectors

4 elbow connectors

8 three sided connectors

I did not use any glue to assemble my sensory bin stand.  I just slide the pipe into the fittings!  You can use glue if you want!

I highly recommend using a PVC pipe cutter!  it’s so much easier than using a saw to cut your pipe!

Click the image to get this on Amazon!

Now we have a literacy sensory bin and a math sensory bin.  During literacy center clean-up time, one student is assigned the job of snapping the lid on the sensory bin, removing it, and placing the math sensory bin into the stand so it’s ready for math centers.  During math center clean-up time, they switch them so we’re ready for literacy centers the next day.


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