Who loves dice in the classroom? Raise your hand if you have tons of dice floating around the classroom. I love dice because using them for dice games is EASY and can make differentiating for students easy! Today I’m sharing some fun and easy dice games for the classroom!
Dice Games
These large foam dice are from Oriental Trading. The dice are foam so they’re quiet and the dots are large so it’s easier for students to count!
People, those foam dice are a hit! Who knew that little things like giant foam dice could be so motivating?!
In this activity, they roll two dice, count the dots and find the number. When they find the number they color the number. They keep rolling until all of their numbers are colored in! And do they get antsy trying to get that last number to come up!
This activity incorporates graphing as well. Students roll two dice, count all of the dots (hello addition teaser!!) and graph the number. We keep working until one of the columns reaches the top! Sometimes we like to play until every box is colored!
This activity is designed for students who are ready to be challenged. They roll the dice and then they must match the dot configuration on their paper. This takes a bit more brain work so it’s great for those who need some extra challenge in their number sense!
Here’s a funny story about the ‘stache in the picture…we have become addicted to Mr. Greg’s smelly marker collection (smelly markers=fabulous birthday gift…) so Mr. Greg is so stinkin’ cool that he shares his prized smelly markers with his ‘staches. So this little friend was working on his math center and I saw him put his finger in his mouth…so I kept watching. He would lick his finger…then rub the box that he colored and then put his finger back in his mouth! He was trying to taste the marker!!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA Made my day! It’s a good thing that those are non-toxic!
PS It SMELLS like a green apple but it sure doesn’t taste like it!
Here’s a little freebie for you! Click the picture to download the dice games for your classroom! These are great for math centers and math tubs. And yes, they are Common Core Aligned!
Ten Frame Dice Games
Get your free recording sheets here!
Stamping Dice
How about using dice as a stamp? True story! Instead of rolling the dice, students stamp them on an ink pad and stamp the dice onto the paper. The dots are exposed and they count the dots to add!
Get your recording sheet here!
Here’s another way to practice addition with dice:
Students roll the dice. They make the dots and write the equation and solve.
How about working with dice and numbers to 20? Simple. Make your own number dice! Simply use wooden cubes and dot stickers to make number cubes.
For more on the number cubes check out this post!
Dice Baskets
Now, here’s a Mr. Greg pet peeve. DICE noise! Seriously, ya’ll. 20 kids with dice rolling everywhere can be…well…loud. So here’s our solution:
These are simply baskets with felt hot glued to the bottom. This keeps the noise down and keeps the dice contained. That means no more dice flying around the room! I have 1 dice basket per student!
For more math resources, check out these creations!