
Schedulin Sunday: Bats, CVC WORDS, Addition And Subtraction, And Rap A Tap Tap

Week 10 of kindergarten is our first week back from fall break. That means a lot of focus on routines and procedures this week! And real talk: probably some tears, and that’s ok! We’re kicking off Word Family Bootcamp, adding and subtracting, learning about bats, and reading Rap A Tap Tap!

Lesson Plans

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We have a required foundational skills curriculum that we follow and supplement with our TKS BOOTCAMP resource, especially for extra practice and small group work! Our TKS BOOTCAMP curriculum works with ALL curriculums or as a stand-alone resource! This week, we are starting Word Family Bootcamp to focus on CVC words, blending and decoding words, writing words, and lots of word chaining!

Word Family Bootcamp is about taking the sounds we learned in ABC BOOTCAMP and using them to read words. We do two word families a week. Day 1 is the circle chart, where we segment sounds, spell the word, and blend the word. We also discuss rhyming words. Day 2 is word blending, word chaining, and word writing. In small groups, we use decodable readers, word chaining, and look-alike words to differentiate instruction.

Word Family Bootcamp is an all-inclusive resource that is aligned to the science of reading! Word Family Bootcamp includes whole group lessons, small group lessons, decodable readers and centers!

We also have an intervention hour and our team has decided to focus on beginning sounds using picture sorts! So this week we’re doing m, a, t, d, and o! We are using our Beginning Sounds Picture Sorts resource!


Once again, this year, we’re using our required reading curriculum and supplementing it with our Read It Up! resources. This week, we are reading the book Rap A Tap Tap! If you don’t use this book in your class, it’s a must! Not only are we learning about Bojangles, but the story is great for comprehension lessons!

This week, we’re working on notice and wonder and what we see and hear in the story. As we read, we do turn and talk to share our thoughts, and then we share out with the class. We’re also focusing on vocabulary during the read-aloud.

We also get to act out the story which is so much fun and hilarious! The kids love this part!

We also watch videos of Bojangles dancing and we strap on some metal buckles and tap dance!

Click here for the straps!

Click here for the buckles!


Our district has adopted a new math curriculum (AGAIN!), so we’re trying to figure it out because it’s a lot, and it’s not aligned with our state standards, so there’s that. We’re using the curriculum and supplementing it with our MATH IT UP! resources!

This week, we’re introducing addition and subtraction! We’ve always introduced addition and subtraction at this point, but we spend two weeks on addition and then move on to subtraction. Of course, we’re working on this skill all year as well. However, our new curriculum has two days of addition, then two days of subtraction, and then writing equations. So, I’m very curious to see how this week goes! I am excited about this week’s lessons because they’re hands-on and fun, so that will definitely help.

This week’s lessons are adding ducks, so we will use our Math It Up! Adding Ducks resource for this lesson!

We read the book Quack And Count and put ducks into the pond!

The animal lessons are story problems about animals going into the barn. I remember we did a farm transformation so we have this giant barn. So we will use that as our barn and the kids will go into the barn to add!

The subtraction lessons involve…COOKIES! So we will use paper plates and Cookie Crisp cereal!

Stay tuned for pics and details!

Bats Research Project

This week we’re using our science block (ya’ll! My new school has a legit 45-minute science/social studies block!!!) to learn about bats using our Bats Research Project!

We use read-alouds and class discussions for our research. We record our learning on graphic organizers. This week we kick off with a schema map, we do a can/have/are chart and label the parts of a bat!

Students use their Bats research journal to record their learning throughout the research project!

Foodie Fun Friday

This week’s snack is a bat snack! Oreos, Doritos, candy eyes, and candy corn!



Click below for the resources we are using in our classroom this week.

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