Are you looking for ideas for February read-alouds? There are so many great books for February but two of our favorites are The Day It Rained Hearts and A Crankenstein Valentine.
February Read Alouds: Read It Up!

Valentine’s Day Read Alouds: Story Maps And Retell
Story maps are a great comprehension activity for helping students organize the story elements.

Our Valentine’s Day read-alouds are also great for working on retelling. Retelling is a necessary step to help students summarize what they read. After we complete our graphic organizer, students draw pictures of their retelling. Then the students orally retell the story to me so I can assess their comprehension and retelling skills!

Read Alouds: Making Connections
Another essential skill that we work on with our February read-alouds is making connections. A Crankenstein Valentine is an excellent story for making connections because we all get cranky.
After reading the story we do a turn and talk to share things that make us cranky. We share out our ideas to make a graphic organizer to help with writing. I also send a picture of our chart to families who find it highly amusing!

After we share our thoughts, we write about what makes us cranky.

Another fun idea is to share things that you make your say YECH!

STEM And Grammar Lessons
The Day It Rained Hearts is a great story for working on nouns. After reading the story we do a noun sort.

For our STEM lesson, the students were challenged to build a structure using jelly hearts and toothpicks.

Another fun Valentine’s Day STEM idea is stacking candy hearts. This can also be tied into math as well! These STEM activities are great for fine motor skills and language development because the kids work together and discuss building their towers!

Here is a video of my students working on retelling the story:
For more information, check out these posts:

For more Valentine’s Day creations, check our Valentine’s Day resources: