Week 26 of kindergarten is Leap Day, and we have great Leap Day lesson plans! This week is about Leap Day, teeth, 2D shapes, digraphs, and past and present! Check out weekly lesson plans for everything we’re doing this week!


You can get our lesson plan templates here:

weekly lesson plans and templates


We have a required foundational skills curriculum that we follow and supplement with our TKS BOOTCAMP resource, especially for extra practice and small group work! Our curriculum has switched to blends and digraphs, so we will move to Blends Bootcamp. Our TKS BOOTCAMP curriculum works with ALL curriculums or as a stand-alone resource! This week, we are using Blends Bootcamp to focus on words with beginning and ending digraphs, blending and decoding words, writing words, and lots of word chaining!

science of reading phonics lessons

Blends Bootcamp is about taking the sounds we learned in ABC BOOTCAMP and using them to read words. For five weeks, we do two blends a week, focusing on using all the sounds to decode, spell, write, and read words.

This week, our focus is on digraphs. Last week, we did our circle charts, and the kids did great, so this week, we’re focusing on blending, writing, and decoding. We’re also doing some sorting. One area that my kids struggled with was TH/F, so we are doing a TH/F sort and an SH/CH sort.

weekly lesson plans for phonemic awareness

One of our go-to activities is sorting pictures to differentiate the sounds!

Blends Bootcamp is an all-inclusive resource that is aligned with the science of reading! Blends Bootcamp includes whole group lessons, small group lessons, decodable readers, and centers!

science of reading lessons

Intervention And Word Family Bootcamp

We have a 45-minute intervention/PLT block. This time is for small groups focusing on decoding, blending, and spelling words using our sounds. We use our Word Family Bootcamp, specifically our word match, look-like word activities, and decodable text and sentences.

word family activities

We will also use our Word Mapping mats during this time to work on our segmenting, spelling, and reading words!

weekly lesson plans for phonics

We’re also using our Digital Word Building Resource to do word chaining to work on blending CVC words!

word chaining resources
word chaining lesson plans

We also used our glitter letters clipart to make glitter letter cards, and we’ve been using these cards in whole groups and small groups. The kids LOVE them! (This is CLIPART. You must insert the letter clipart into a document to make letter cards!)

phonics lessons

Sight Word 60

weekly lesson plans for sight words

This week, our words are: little, look, make my

science of reading sight words instruction
teaching sight words

Reading: Transportation Then And Now

Once again, this year, we’re using our required reading curriculum and supplementing it with our Read It Up! resources and TKS research projects. We’re now in module 3, which is all about past and present! This week, we’re reading Transportation Then And Now!

This week, our lessons are: notice/wonder, main idea and key details and sorting transportation then and now.

past and present lesson plans

Weekly Lesson Plans: Math

Our district has adopted a new math curriculum (AGAIN!), so we’re trying to figure it out because it’s a lot, and it’s not aligned with our state standards, so there’s that. We’re using the curriculum and supplementing it with our MATH IT UP! and TKS BOOTCAMP curriculums. And Shapes Bootcamp has been updated with so many new and improved activities!

weekly lesson plans for 2D shapes

This week, we’re doing a shape-a-day, shape sorting, a shape party, and making a mural! The mural is a new activity that includes shapes and position words! Stay tuned for details and pictures!

Each day, we will create an anchor chart for a shape. We name the shape and describe it with attributes and real-life objects!

Our Shape Party is a fun way to identify shapes and discuss their attributes! I send home a list of foods for the shapes, and families sign up to send the food. We name the shape and the attributes and then eat the shapes!

Finally, we finish the week with a shape sort! We do a whole group sort and individual sort!

Leap Day Lesson Plans

Thursday is Leap Day, and we are going big with our celebration because this only happens once every four years! We have you covered if you’re looking for Leap Day lesson plans!

We will write about what we will do with our extra day for our writing activity!

Our Leap Day lesson plans for math activity will be to LEAP! We learned that kangaroos can leap up to 30 feet and measure 30 feet in our hallway. Then, we see if we can leap as far as a kangaroo! Finally, we leap and complete our graph!

We will also learn about animals that leap and find ways to make four!

Of course, we have to make a hat to celebrate!

leap day lesson plans and freebies

We will also have certificates and decorations!

leap day lesson plans and celebration idea

As part of our Leap Day lesson plans, we will make a torn paper frog!

leap day lesson plans for art

Grab our Leap Day resource to have everything you need for your Leap Day celebration!

leap day lesson plans for writing

Dental Health Month

We’re wrapping up our teeth research project this week! We’ve learned so much about teeth and taking care of our teeth. This week, we will label the parts of a tooth, do a true-false sort, and complete our schema map!

kindergarten science lessons

Leap Day Lesson Plans: Foodie Fun Friday

snack ideas for kids

Our Foodie Fun Friday is a frog snack using Oreos, pretzels, and green M&Ms.

leap day lesson plans snack

Weekly Lesson Plans: Morning Meeting

This week, our greeting is a frog greeting! The kids will hop to their friends to greet them!

Our morning meeting activity will be zoom! We say zoom to each other and go around the circle as fast as possible!

morning meeting resources


leap day freebies


Click below for the resources we are using in our classroom this week.

For more information, check out these posts:

shapes lesson plans
leap day lesson plans and books
leap day lesson plans and centers

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