
Leap Day Activities


We love a good celebration in our classroom, especially those days and events that only happen occasionally like Leap Day! We’re really excited to share our Leap Day activities and ideas with you!

Leap Day Activities For Kids

Our Leap Day creation is a low-prep resource with everything you need to celebrate and learn about Leap Day and Leap Year! It includes activities for measurement, writing, hats, decorations, and more!

Create an anchor chart as you learn facts about Leap Day and Leap Year!

Learning about Leap Day in the classroom

Students can share what they will do with an extra day, and then they can write and draw about their extra day!

Leap day writing activities

Leap Day Activities: Measurement

For math, we measure to see if we can jump as far as a frog and a kangaroo! We measure the distances on the floor and mark them with tape. Then, the students LEAP down the hall to see how far they jump. They record their measurements on their graph and on our class chart!

Another fun math activity we do is find ways to make 4!

math games for kids

Leap Day Hats

We love to celebrate with hats, so we will make Leap Day hats. Hats should be simple and quick for the kids and teachers. We have several options for the kids to choose from! They color, cut out the circle, glue it to a sentence strip, and staple it!

Leap Day Art And Snack

Make torn paper frogs! This is done on a paper plate! The kids tear paper (fine motor practice) and add eyes and a tongue!

Frog snacks! These are Oreos, mini pretzels, and green M&Ms.

leap day snack ideas for kids

This snack is a graham cracker, blue frosting, a gummy frog from Amazon and Tootsie Rolls!

leap day projects for kids

Leap Day Activities: Feed The Frog Review Game

To make this game, we used a green bucket from Dollar Tree. We used paper to add eyes, legs, and a tongue. To play, just write skills on paper: math problems, letters, CVC words, etc. Students read the word, solve the equation, etc., and then wad up the paper and “feed the frog” by tossing it into the bucket!

You can also make a frog-themed sensory bin using plastic frogs from Dollar Tree, green pasta, and cards from our Frogs And Kangaroo creation!

leap day math activities
Leap Day learning centers for kids

Leap Day Activities: Certificates

Every good celebration needs a momento, so we get certificates to celebrate Leap Day!

leap day games for kids
leap day decorations

And yes, there is a costume.

Grab our ALL INCLUSIVE, LOW PREP Leap Day resource to make planning and celebrating Leap Day EASY!

Leap Day Activities For Kids


We also have these resources additional resources for frogs and kangaroos:

For more ideas and resources, check out these posts:

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