Schedulin Sunday: Dental Health Lesson Plans, Shapes, And The Little House

dental health lesson plans for the classroom

Week 25 of kindergarten is a four-day week, meaning dental health lesson plans! This week is all about teeth and dental health plans (Mr. Greg HATES teeth, so it’s my least favorite week…), 2D shapes, digraphs, and The Little House! Check out weekly lesson plans for everything we’re doing this week!


You can get our lesson plan templates here:

weekly lesson plans and templates


We have a required foundational skills curriculum that we follow and supplement with our TKS BOOTCAMP resource, especially for extra practice and small group work! Our curriculum has switched to blends and digraphs, so we will move to Blends Bootcamp. Our TKS BOOTCAMP curriculum works with ALL curriculums or as a stand-alone resource! This week, we are using Blends Bootcamp to focus on words with beginning and ending digraphs, blending and decoding words, writing words, and lots of word chaining!

science of reading phonics lessons

Blends Bootcamp is about taking the sounds we learned in ABC BOOTCAMP and using them to read words. For five weeks, we do two blends a week, focusing on using all the sounds to decode, spell, write, and read words.

This week, our focus is on digraphs. Last week, we did our circle charts, and the kids did great, so this week, we’re focusing on blending, writing, and decoding. We’re also doing some sorting. One area that my kids struggled with was TH/F, so we are doing a TH/F sort and an SH/CH sort.

weekly lesson plans for phonemic awareness
science of reading phonics lessons

Blends Bootcamp is an all-inclusive resource that is aligned with the science of reading! Blends Bootcamp includes whole group lessons, small group lessons, decodable readers, and centers!

science of reading lessons

Intervention And Word Family Bootcamp

We have a 45-minute intervention/PLT block. This time is for small groups focusing on decoding, blending, and spelling words using our sounds. We use our Word Family Bootcamp, specifically our word match, look-like word activities, and decodable text and sentences.

word family activities

We will also use our Word Mapping mats during this time to work on our segmenting, spelling, and reading words!

weekly lesson plans for phonics

We’re also using our Digital Word Building Resource to do word chaining to work on blending CVC words!

word chaining resources
word chaining lesson plans

We also used our glitter letters clipart to make glitter letter cards, and we’ve been using these cards in whole groups and small groups. The kids LOVE them! (This is CLIPART. You must insert the letter clipart into a document to make letter cards!)

phonics lessons

Sight Word 60

weekly lesson plans for sight words

This week our words are: he him just like

science of reading sight words instruction
teaching sight words

Reading: The Little House

Once again, this year, we’re using our required reading curriculum and supplementing it with our Read It Up! resources and TKS research projects. We’re now in module 3, which is all about past and present! This week we’re reading The Little House!

The Little House book

This week, our lessons are: notice/wonder, retelling and key details showing how the little house changes.

weekly lesson plans for The Little House

Weekly Lesson Plans: Math

Our district has adopted a new math curriculum (AGAIN!), so we’re trying to figure it out because it’s a lot, and it’s not aligned with our state standards, so there’s that. We’re using the curriculum and supplementing it with our MATH IT UP! and TKS BOOTCAMP curriculums. And Shapes Bootcamp has been updated with so many new and improved activities!

weekly lesson plans for 2D shapes

This week, we’re doing a shape-a-day and shape sorting!

Each day, we will create an anchor chart for a shape. We name the shape and describe the shape with attributes and real-life objects!

weekly lesson plans for teaching shapes

For shape sorting, we’re doing a shape hunt! For this activity, our curriculum has done two sorts: circle and triangle on the day, and day two is square/rectangle. Day 3 is sorting hexagons/not hexagons.

We use magazines! The students go through the magazines and find items for each shape. They cut out the shape, show me the shape, and identify and sort it!

Dental Health Lesson Plans

Since February is Dental Health Awareness month we’re going to learn about teeth and taking care of our teeth!

We’re using our Teeth Research Project for our dental health lesson plans!

dental health lesson plans

As with all of our research projects, we start with a schema map!

kindergarten science lessons
dental health awareness month ideas for kids

We use read alouds and videos as our research! We use graphic organizers to record our learning! This week, we are doing a can/have/are chart and labeling a tooth. We’re also doing some fun teeth art projects!

dental health resources for kids
teeth activities for kids

We also do torn paper teeth! I draw the tooth shape, and the kids tear the paper to make the tooth!

dental health lesson plans art projects

If you’re looking for some low-prep teeth-themed centers, check out our center activities linked at the end of the post!

Black History Month

February is Black History Month, and all month long (and all year long!!!), we will be learning about African American Heroes. Our weekly lesson plans include Jackie Robinson and Mae Jemison!

Black History Month lessons for kids

President’s Day

This week is also President’s Day! We won’t focus on it this week because we do so much of it in Septemeber when we do American symbols. We use our President’s Day Research Project for our presidential learning!

President's Day lesson plans

Our favorite activity is the heads and tails activity, where the kids flip pennies and graph the results!

President's Day activities for kids

Dental Health Lesson Plans: Mad Science Thursday

Our dental health lesson plans for science include we’re doing a STEM activity where we get to brush some teeth. We boil eggs and soak them in soda/Coke/Pop overnight. The students use a toothbrush and toothpaste to brush their teeth!

Dental Health Lesson Plans: Foodie Fun Friday-Toothbrush snack

This week’s snack is brand new! We’re making toothbrushes! To make a toothbrush, we will use pink sugar wafer cookies, pretzel rods, and a little frosting! Stay tuned for details…

Weekly Lesson Plans: Morning Meeting

This week, our greeting is the shoe greeting! This is a class favorite! Students remove one shoe. When it’s your turn, you pick a shoe, find the owner and greet them!

Our morning meeting activity will be passing the chocolate. We will pass a Hershey Kiss using spoons!

morning meeting resources


dental health books for kids
teeth books for kids


Click below for the resources we are using in our classroom this week.

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