Kindergarten Learning Activities: Halloween, Creepy Carrots, Creepy Underwear, Creepy Crayon


Kindergarten Learning Activities: Lesson Plans

kindergarten activities and lesson plans

Kindergarten Learning Activities: Word Family BOOTCAMP

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This week we’re also introducing our Digital Word Building tool! I like to introduce this resource the week of Halloween so it excites the kids and brings something new into the classroom!

Kindergarten Learning Activities: Phonemic Awareness Bootcamp

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Kindergarten Learning Activities: Sight Words

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Kindergarten Learning Activities: Creepy Week

Monday is Creepy Carrot Day!

kindergarten learning activities creepy carrots

Then we graph whether we think carrots are creepy or yummy!

We make our own Creepy Carrot! For this art project, we don’t use any templates or patterns. The students make their own carrots!

kindergarten learning activities art projects for read alouds

To work on comprehension skills we retell the story using sequence words. We do this whole group and the students are pushed to add details to their retelling. Then the students complete their own retelling page and use that to retell the story to me!

After reading the story, we make our own creepy pair of underwear!

kindergarten learning activities for Creepy Pair Of Underwear

And we graph whether we like Jasper or the underwear better!

We also make a creepy pair of underwear snack!

Wednesday is Creepy Crayon Day!

To work on comprehension skills we do a story map. We do the story map as a whole group lesson as we read the book. Then the students complete their own story map and they have to retell the story to me using their story map.

After reading the story, we make a creepy crayon and then we make our creepy crayon snack!

And yes, there are costumes! Stay tuned for the newest creepy crayon costume!

Kindergarten Lessons: Addition And Subtraction

Kindergarten Learning Activities: Halloween

Thursday is Halloween so we’re prepared for the excitement and chaos of the day! We have a tradition to read aloud a story and work on some comprehension skills in the morning to keep some sense of normalcy. We will be reading There Was An Old Lady Who Wasn’t Afraid Of Anything and sequencing the story.

kindergarten learning activities for there was an old lady who wasn't afraid of anything

And then we do our annual Halloween pumpkin project! This is our 15th year for this activity and it’s always a huge hit!

kindergarten learning activities for pumpkins

Each student gets a pie pumpkin. I cut the top off and they have to clean out the guts. After they’re cleared out, we fill them with potting soil and plant a pansy inside.

Kindergarten Learning Activities: Dia De Los Muertos

On Friday we will celebrate Dia De Los Muertos! We read a book to learn about the day. As we read, we completed a circle chart based on what we had learned. Then we draw a sugar skull.

kindergarten learning activities for the day of the dead
kindergarten learning activities for dia de los muertos

Kindergarten Lessons: Morning Meeting

kindergarten learning activities for morning meeting


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