

Welcome to The Kindergarten Smorgasboard Blog! Please enjoy our posts, and we invite you to comment.

Bubbles and Cookies!

As I write this, I am watching the horrible news out of Oklahoma and am praying for the students, teachers, family and everyone involved in

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Q and U Wedding!

Monday.  That is all. Today’s blog post is coming to you live, via satellite from the outdoor offices at The Kindergarten Smorgasboard World Headquarters! We

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ABC Countdown!

Holy macaroni!  I cannot believe we are starting our end of the year ABC countdown.  It seems like there is so much left to do!

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Silly Hats!

(Graphics:  Ashley Hughes-paper The Library Fox-hats) It’s funny how quickly you become “known” for something.  Well, for me, as we all know, is hats and

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