
As you might or might not realize, I am in the middle of planning the most amazing, beautiful, fun and perfect wedding of all time (does that make me sound conceited!?)  I am kidding of course, but I am excited to see how all of our beautiful plans and ideas come together in less than THREE months.  Wow!  Anyways, we went to a wedding this weekend and can you believe that it was an OUTDOOR ceremony?  Seriously, ya’ll, if you get married in the summer, it’s an indoor affair.  It was 103 degrees Saturday.  NUFF SAID!

And it’s a long post folks, so grab a beverage and kick up your feet, it’s gonna be a good ride!

Today I am starting a new feature on my blog called Scheduling Sunday.  Each Sunday I will attempt to share a bit of what I have scheduled for the upcoming week.  Maybe someone will get inspired or find something they can use.  Or maybe you will all stick your tongues out at what I’m planning.  That’s OK too!

Our first day of school is Wednesday, August 1.  It is a half day, which means we will be in school from 7:45-11:30.  I have already planned for the first day, so here is what I have on tap for the new kindergartners!

7:30-Mr. Smedley in the corner, in a fetal position, crying and hyperventilating.  It’s true, I am TERRIFIED the first day.  I am so scared I am going to damage these children or mess them up or fail at teaching them…
7:45-8:15  arrival, crying, greeting parents (Last year I had 3 criers who cried so much they threw up. One of the babies screamed cried sobbed every day for about 45 minutes.  FOR SIX WEEKS!)

As they arrive they will color a picture of a monster.  This will go on our bulletin board for our first hallway display!

We will learn and practice how to push in our chairs and come to the “monster pit” for morning meeting.    This means we will hear our meet up song for the first time and we will learn to push in our chairs, how to walk to the “monster pit” and how to sit criss cross applesauce in the “monster pit.”

Introductions.  We will go around the circle and say “My name is…”
Sing two of our songs.

We will write our name on our chart.  “I am…”  I always do this on day one and laminate it.  I also do it in December and May and we compare our growth.

Brunch.  This means we will learn how to line up with our bubbles in, on our number, facing forward with our snowballs (hands clasped in front of you).  We used to behind the back but someone said that was to much like jail (don’t get me started on this…) And if you want to know the very inappropriate name that my teammate gave for this new hand position, let me know!  We will practice walking in the hall in a straight quiet line with marshmellow toes.  We will practice going through the line, getting our food and using our manners.  We will practice sitting down at our table and using our silverware to eat and how to clean up.

School tour.  More line and hallway practice.

Introduce crayons.  I like to introduce one supply a day and crayons is first.  I model how to use the crayons and color in each section of a soccer ball. This becomes our second bulletin board display!  If you would like a copy of the soccer ball click the picture!

Name writing.  Each child gets a blank piece of paper and is asked to write their name.  If they can’t or say they don’t know how, I encourage them to try.  I do this on the first day so we have a record of their growth.

Dismissal time.  Practice lining up and hallway procedure.   We also learn how to sit in the auditorium and wait for Mr. Smedley to call our name.  (Last year I had a girl who threw a fit every day for weeks because she saw kids leave and her mom wasn’t there yet…seriously, I can’t take that many criers this year!)

That is day one of Mr. Smedley’s Little Monsters Kindergarten fiasco!

Now for the awards…I have been so humbled by the kind words and comments and awards from so many  of you!  I want make sure I thank everyone who has given me an award and spread the love!  If I forget anyone, you can throw things (I prefer shoes and socks thrown at me!) or give me angry arms!

Mrs. Janelle's Kindergarten Kingdom
A Teacher and a Blog

Here are my 7 random facts:
1.  I’m a guy.
2.  I spent 3 summers teaching in Ecuador and Peru.  I also made the mistake of spending 34.5 hours in Bogota, Colombia.  BAD IDEA.
3.Pink if my favorite color.  I know that’s not very manly but it’s a happy, cheerful color and I am a happy cheerful guy!
4.  I love Big Red Soda!  If you’re not from Indiana or Michigan or nearby you have no idea what I’m talking about.
5.  I love to run and work out.
6.  I love yoga.
7. I am terrified of squirrels.
I am supposed to nominate 15 blogs for awards, but there are SO many of you that deserve it, so I am just going to ask everyone who reads this to click on my blog roll and find some new blogs to read and follow!
I also posted a new product on my TPT store!  It is a set of beginning readers for Read to Self time!  Check it out and let me know what you think!  I will beg and plead and cry for you to get it.  And if you don’t I will throw shoes and socks.  MMMK?!
And please, please, please become my Facebook friend and Twitter follower!

And I won a prize from Ms. Stanford’s giveaway!  Check out her awesome blog!

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