How long did I work today, you ask? That would be 11.5 hours. Was mine the last car in the parking lot? It most certainly was. If I work like this and “don’t work to educate our students” then what would happen if I really did work?? I mean for serious! I can’t even think such things. Work…educating children…11.5 hours…pathetic Mr. Greg embarrassing teachers everywhere. I hope you can all forgive my laziness!
Story time! Picture my arms up and my hands flapping around wildly. That is our K team sign for we need to have a “meeting” because someone has a story and it’s usually a whopper about the goings on in our building (if I ever listed all of the goings on in our building, no one would believe me. No, really it’s that unbelievable!) Story time!
Today I was noticing a very strong odor. It was an odor of rotten feet mixed with moldy shoes. Take a minute to enjoy that pleasant thought. I kept smelling it off and on all day. It was especially pungent anytime I was at my guided reading table. For the life of me, I couldn’t figure it out. After school, as I was not working on my room, I discovered the offender. It was the insole of one of my monster’s shoes. True story. That it lay, under their table. Apparently it had been there all day. Umm, I’m so observant! hehe
Now that I have you all grossed out…here is the educational meat of my post! Just what you’ve been waiting for!
One of my biggest weaknesses as a teacher is writing. I still have no idea how to teach kindergarteners how to be good strong writers. It is something I have researched, read books about, blog stalked and even attended some not so stellar workshops for…and still…I struggle. This week I decided on a new approach. An experiment. I like to try new things…live outside the box. Ya’ll know I am living in my own special reality…so here is what I did.