First…I voted.  Greg Smedley for United States Senate.  Yes, I wrote myself in.   Weird situation with the Senate candidates so I voted for the best person for the job.  ME!  Did you vote today?

I am guest blogging at The Teacher’s Treasure Chest!  Ashley is a little pre occuppied this week because her husband just returned from a deployment aboard the USS Enterprise!  I know how excited and happy and relieved Ashley is!  Ashley, tell your husband how grateful we are for him and his service.  He is a true hero!

Go visit Ashley and tell her Greg said hello!
I want to share a few random ramblings today…
Parent conference story of the day.  Grandmother sits down.  We’re chatting about her baby’s desire to be the boss and racing to be first at everything.  (The Great Diva Off of 2012 continues…) Cell phone rings.  Granny reaches into her blouse.  Cell phone 1.  Nope.  Granny reaches into other side of the blouse.  Cell phone 2.  Nope.  Granny proceeds to rub all over her body.  Cell phone 3.  Yep.  “Sorry Mr. Greg, it’s my son. He’s locked up.”  Seriously, watching her rubbing all over herself looking for the  phone was more than I could handle.  
Yep.  I did this.  I put my math words in the bathroom…better known as Monster’s Inc.!  I figure that my monsters hang out in there so much, they might as well learn while they’re in there! 
Our own “CNN magic wall” of election results!  

My ADD hair do.  This is what happens when you don’t pay attention…oooo sparkly ….to the hair dryer and it dries your hair to one side.  I like it.  New do for me!

Got tech?  This is my table in my teacher area.  2 laptops.  2 printers.  iPad.  iPhone.  iPod.  Smarboard.  Laptop for Smart Board.  3 student computers.  Yay for technology!  That is a smorgasboard of technology for the Kindergarten Smorgasboard!
And I finally posted a new Donor’s Choose Project!  I haven’t posted one in years!  Go hear to check it out!  If you use the code, HoraceMann12, your donation is doubled!  See those printers, they need some ink!  They are thirsty!

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