Yeah.  It happened.  I had to take a sick day.  My immune system finally let me down.  Normally my immune system and I are great buds.  My immune system kicks butt.  Yesterday afternoon, I started feeling icky and then I got achy.  And a fever.  I know I am getting sick when my fingers ache and my eyes feel hot.  Is that weird?!  I’m sure it is because it happens in my own special reality!  I am convinced that my illness came from the Great Cell Phone Full Body Pat Down Incident of 2012.  You missed it?  See, you should sign up for my newsletter (keep reading for the newsletter announcement!) or you can click here to read about the incident.  It was cell phone number 2.  Left side.  It had the gunk germs that have infected my body.

So I have been on the couch today and I was a little productive!  I created a newsletter for the Kindergarten Smorgasboard!  That’s right, you can sign up for my newsletter so you never miss any of the ideas, tips, shenanigans, sarcasm and freebies from the Smorgasboard!  If you want to sign up and I really hope you will (PRETTY PLEASE!  I am the NEWLYWED after all!) just look over to the right….and enter your email!  Super easy.  And I will start showing up in your email inbox!  I promise not to harass you more than once or twice a month!!

I also organized my clip art folder on my laptop.  I have everything organized into categories and folders so now it will be easier to use.  Uhhuh.  Keep telling me that.  I do feel better about it now!  
659 folders.  More than 5GB of stuff.  Over 9,600 files.  Um, I thinks me has a problem with the clip art!  
What would you like to see me create with my clip art?!?!  I would love to hear what you need/want/desire for your classroom!  
In case you missed this freebie earlier, here it is again!  I Have Who Has for 6-20!  (See, if you sign up for my newsletter, you’ll never miss a freebie!!!  GO SIGN UP!)
And check out this cute little activity!  I know it’s November and turkey’s will get angry with me and want to peck my eyeballs out for mentioning another holiday during THEIR MONTH but it’s so cute I can’t help it!
I did this activity with my monsters last year and we LOVED IT!  Better yet, they had a great understanding of area and perimeter.  AND you get to use candy!  Which means you get to eat candy.  Candy.  Hands on learning.  Candy.  It’s a WIN WIN!  Welcome to the Kindergarten Smorgasboard…where we teach smarter!  
That was a long ADD ramble…check out this great measurement activity!

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