Therapy Thursday: November 8th, 2012

Well, here I am on sick day number two.  Thankfully I am feeling better.  I will be back to my classroom tomorrow!  Look out little monsters, here comes Mr. Greg!

It’s therapy Thursday and since Dayquil and Tylenol don’t count as therapy, I wanted to share some up lifting quotes for you all!  I have heard a lot of people on Facebook talking about how sad and frustrated and discouraged they are by what is happening at their schools.  I am one of those.  We are overworked, underpaid, not respected and definitely not appreciated.  But guess what??  I appreciate you and respect you.  In fact, I think you are all fabulous!  If I had glitter, I would throw it all over you!

And remember this:  you have a classroom full of small humans that think you are the most incredible, amazing, smartest, prettiest, richest, funniest person in their lives for 8 hours a day.  And they want you.  And need you.  And you are changing their lives every single day.  CLOSE THE DOOR AND TEACH ON!

I have used this philosophy in my classroom for years.  Every day, I consciously try to pick one good thing that happened in my classroom and share it or focus on it.  It can be a student getting something new or a light bulb moment, surprisingly good behavior, or a challenging student who has a great day.  Focus on the positives and the little monsters who love you!

It left off sarcastic, snarky, emotional and hilarious!  GENEROUS!  GIVING!  Idea sharing!

You know that I like to be different and unique and that I have a very special take on life!  Be a fruit loop!  Be colorful!  Be fruity!  Stand out!  Stick out!  Speak up!
You can download this one and hang it on your classroom wall….door… administrators door…and share it with your friends!!  TEACH ON FRIENDS, TEACH ON!
You know I love the mustache!  I would post a picture of my mustache but I haven’t showered today! (Attractive huh?!) and I have the worst bed head!  Maybe tomorrow!  And you know I always have a smorgasboard of questions!!  
Did you know that today is Bram Stokers 165th birthday?!  I still have fond memories of my 7th grade reading class.  We did a huge study of the book.  We kept journals, did papers and even got to highlight the book (the first time I was ever allowed to write in a book!)!  At the end of the book study we had to do a project so my group created a Dracula museum!  Such great memories and such a great book!
I can only hope that the kindergarten smorgasboard is creating such enduring memories for my monsters!
What kind of memories are you creating for your students?  
And if you need some fun, easy, hands on activities for the winter holidays, check out my creations!  Measuring with candy?  I think so!

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