Howdy ya’ll!!  Winter break continues here in Nashville…and it’s COLD!!!  BRRR! The kindergarten smorgasboard is frozen.   But they’re saying next week could be in the single digits and wind chills could be below zero.  Ummm that might mean a “cold” day instead of a snow day!  hehe  No…I’m not already hoping for a day off…never!

Today I want to share something that I implemented in my classroom after seeing these at the Tennesee Kindergarten Conference.  I cannot take any credit for this idea at all.  This was the brilliant idea of my buddy Kim Adsit.  I had the chance to not only attend Kim’s sessions at the conference but also have dinner with her.  And let me tell ya, she’s a hoot!!!  She’s a bundle of energy with amazing ideas!  You must visit her blog that she shares with her daughter!  It’s full of amazing ideas and resources!  Thanks for the idea and inspiration Kim!  When I grow up I wanna be Kim Adsit!

So, what’s this idea you ask?

Here it is!  It’s a simple poster for beginning sounds!  This is the version I made after seeing Kim’s presentation.
Now that almost all of my ‘staches have mastered letters and sounds we have shifted our focus from beginning sounds to other skills (WHAT WHAT?  Responding to data and using data to drive instructions?!  Who knew…it’s the craziest things…)  but I don’t want the ‘staches to lose their beginning sound mastery.  Enter the “What Begins Like?” poster.
I use this on Friday as part of our literacy routine.  This is our ticket to centers for Friday.  It’s simple and quick.  We review the sound that we’re practicing.  I write the letter on the poster and we review some words that have that beginning sound.  The ‘staches receive 1 Post It Note and return to their seat.  They DRAW a picture of something that begins with the sound.  This takes 1-2 minutes.  When they finish their drawing, they return to to the carpet and place their drawing on the poster.  Once everyone is finished, we go over the pictures and say the picture and the sound.  
I love the simplicity of this and the meaningful review that it provides.  I also like that all students can be successful.  The review of words before gives them ideas for something to draw if they cannot think of something to draw.  And their drawing is their work.  If they say it’s a snake, it’s a snake! 

I love the variaions in their drawings.  Lots of us drew pictures of our friend “Paydon” and not one of them was the same!!  Love the creativity.  Creativity=engaging=authentic learning!  BAM!  Who says meeting Common Core can’t be fun?!
Sun, Santa, Sad, snow

Thirty and throat for TH.
Thanks again Kim for this idea!  I have posters made for ending sounds and rhyming words also.  I will be breaking these out after we return from break!
And here are my two latest Common Core creations!  How about a give away?  Leave a comment and share your something new you will try in January!!  Please leave your email and I’ll pick two winners for these new creations!

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