Happy Sunday!  It’s that time again.  Lesson plans…lesson preparation…Pinterest…a snack…back to work…oh look, a squirrel.  More lesson plans…you know the routine!  Trying to work on plans…getting distracted…it’s Schedulin’ Sunday, after all!
Here’s what on tap for my little ‘staches this week:  writing, decomposing numbers, Valentine’s Day, Olympics, and a little science!
As always, you can download a copy of my Common Core plans by clicking on the picture!
I’m gonna try something a little different with this Schedulin’ Sunday post…let me know what you think!
This week in math we are decomposing numbers!  We introduced this last week (one whole day of it!) and it went well so I’m excited to do more this week!
We will be doing whole group, small group and indpendent practice!
We start whole group with these super awesome number bonds that I made today!  Thanks Martha Stewart for the fun circle cutter (and the mister getting crafty and being said circle cutter!)!
We will use math counters to practice decomposing our numbers.  After we practice whole group, the ‘staches will use this to complete a practice page.
We will do this super cute doggie decomposing numbers activity and more practice pages!
We will do another fun hands-on activity where we get to make a chain to practice decomposing numbers!
And in small group time, we will be making a book about decomposing numbers!
And of course, we have our Olympic themed math centers going and our Valentine’s centers going!  Lots of math goodness!
Download your number bond freebie by clicking on the picture!  You get 6 practice pages and 16 task cards for your math center or math tubs!
We will read these books this week:
This week we work on the letter L for love!  We will make our L word circle map which means Mr. Greg’s amazing artistic skills will once again be on display!  We will continue working on CVC-E words and long vowels!  We will make a story map for Froggy and Arthur!  We will make a flow map for The Old Lady and her rose!
We will practice using our sounds to write CVC E words!  We will do a super cute mosaic heart and add hearts with nouns written on them!  And of course, we will learn our four new sight words!
We will continue our writing lessons from Deanna and Deedee and their Writing Through The Year units!  We will do our daily word study and of course, we will hit those letters and sounds daily!
We will read our poem and emergent reader daily to build fluency!
Can download this from the freebies page!  Just click the picture to head over there!
And yes, our Winter Olympics literacy centers and the fox centers will be open for business!  (So is write the room, which is about to go a little organizational transformation…stay tuned for Tuesday’s blog post!)
Candy Heart Science!  We will predict what will happen to candy hearts in water, soda and vinegar.  We will also predict if the hearts will sink or float!
We will record our observations on this recording sheet!  Just click the picture to download your copy!
For Valentine’s Day we will be making our valentine bags, a mustache wearing Valentine frog and having our party!
The mosiac heart project is from my friends at Surfin’ Through Second!
The froggy is in my I Heart Valentine’s Day Creation!
And for the Olympics, we will watch a video of a different sport each day and discuss.  We will be graphing our favorites next week!  We will also be graphing the medals starting Monday!
I Heart Valentine’s Day is only $4!  True story.  I heart a sale!

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