A Kindergarten Smorgasboard Schedulin’ Sunday: January 12th, 2015

Happy Sunday everybody!  It’s Schedulin Sunday time again!  I have epic big penguin plans in store this week.  I’m talking, waddle til you fall over and slide on your belly epic fun.  And it might even involve….wait for it….a penguin costume.  Just sayin…
As always, you can download my lesson plans by clicking on the picture below!
This week we are kicking off major research and writing in kindergarten.  That’s right.  We’re gonna do some research and some writing.  And it’s all about PENGUINS!!!!
Here are some of the penguin books we’ll be reading this week:
We are also using my Penguin Picnic creation!  This creation is designed to make doing research and writing fun, engaging and EASY!!!!!!!!  My ‘staches get to make a penguin research journal and become penguin experts!!!  I love that it makes research and writing EASY for us!  
We start with a schema map and use that to help us fix our misconceptions and record knew learning.
We label penguins.  We do a true/false sort and write facts about penguins.  
We do penguin art projects.
We even do the Penguin Dance by Jack Hartmann!
In math, we’re diving into the land of decomposing numbers.  We start off with ways to make 5 and 10.   
We do spill and count whole group and then we do spill and count independently to practice!
I recreate this page on chart paper and the ‘staches take turns spilling a cup of 5 red/yellow counters.  We color the circles and write the equation.  Then they get to do it on their own.  We do the same thing with the number 10. 
Then we introduce number bonds.  But not just any number bonds.  GIANT NUMBER BONDS!  You know Mr. Greg…go big for go home!
We start whole group.  I write a number on our chart paper, they put the correct number of counters on the large circle.  Then we decompose (BREAK APART) the number and I record the answer on our chart paper.
Then we get to try it on our own!  

Here are some fun number bond practice pages!  Just click to download your freebie!
And finally, to assess decomposing, we’re going to try a fun penguin art project.
We will make a simple penguin.  On his beak, we will write a number 1-10.  Then we will decompose that number and write the numbers and make the dots on his feet!  BAM!  Assessment and art and common core!  GENIUS!  
This week in science, we’re making homemade floam!  I found the recipe on Pinterest. so we’re going to give it a shot!
Our Foodie Fun Friday snack is a penguin!  Oval cracker, cream cheese, black olives and a carrot.    Another Pinterest find!  
Here are some fun freebies for you!

This emergent reader is different than my other readers.  I have put the text the left on each page and not centered.  It was brought to my attention (THANK YOU!) that text isn’t centered when we read and write…SO…I did not center the text in this reader!.  AND I used real pictures and not clip art!  Please let me know what you think of both changes!

This is a differentiated roll and color.  There are pages for 1 and 2 dice!
And that is our penguin filled week!
Our centers and activities come from these creations:
I know Christmas is over…but my friend Tara M. gave me a super fun and engaging idea for Surfin Santa!  Tell the ‘staches that Christmas is over and Santa is in Hawaii surfing!  SANTA IS ON VACATION!  AND I gave the kiddos a hawaiin shirt to wear while working on this center!!!  EPIC SUCCESS!!!
AND SURFIN SANTA IS ONLY $3!!!!  Click the picture to get your fun Surfin Santa sight word center!

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