A Kindergarten Smorgasboard Schedulin Sunday: April 12th, 2015

Happy Schedulin Sunday folks!!
OK…is anyone else having that weird panicky feeling that there are less than 40 days of school left and holy cow, I need to teach so many more things?!?!?!
Or is that just me?!
And then the whole fear thing sets in because we’ve worked so hard and the ‘staches are so well trained and independent and then you have to start all over with new ‘staches next year…
OK..let’s get off of my emotional roller coaster and share some ideas!
Lesson plans?  Yeah, we got those!
Click to download the plans!
This week we are continuing with our plants.  Now that we know what plants need and we’ve snacked on some tops and bottoms, we’re going to focus on growing our beans and learning about the parts of plants!
I love these books from Pebble books!  They’re so perfect for the ‘staches and so full of information!
(click each book to see it on Amazon!)
Monday we’re learning about leaves and completing a can/have/are chart.
Tuesday is plants we eat and ways to use plants.  We’re also doing the life cycle of plants.
Wednesday is stems and using sponges to paint flowers.
Thursday is celery stamping.  (Cut the bottom off of celery, dip in paint and stamp.  Then draw stems and leaves to make a flower!)
Friday is seeds and wrapping up our plant unit with our schema map  and Foodie Fun Friday!
This week we’re also working with our friend THE KING OF ING to read -ing words.  This week we will just practice blending with -ing and next week…whoa, the king of ing will be visiting!  GET READY!
In math, we’re at the point where we’ve covered nearly every skill…and we’ve mastered most things so we’re looking at data and hitting the areas of weakness.    And since we can count to 100 by 1s, 5s,  and 10s…this week we’re going to work on writing, counting, and identifying numbers to 100.
Monday we’re going write to 100 and then Mr. Greg will show us a PowerPoint with numbers to 100.  We will name the number and then color that number on our 100 chart.
Tuesday and Wednesday we’re going to use a giant 100 chart to build a class size 100 chart!
I print the numbers on cardstock and spread them out.  We find the numbers and put them in order!  Great for teamwork and not giving up!
Click the picture to get your free giant 100 chart pieces!
Thursday we’re going to roll to 100!  We’re going to roll the dice and color until we get all the way to 100!
We estimate how many rolls it will take us.  Then we roll.  If we roll 5, we color 5 numbers. We roll again.  If we roll 1, we color 1 number.  Until we get to 100!
Click to download your freebie!
Foodie Fun Friday will be nibbling a plant!  We’re going to eat the seeds, stem, leaves, flowers and roots of a plant!  (sunflower seeds, celery, spinach, broccoli and carrots!)
Click to download your freebie!
For science, we’re going to learn how the plants get water up the stem to the flower!  We’re going to use white roses and carnations and food coloring!
Here is a free poem for you!
And that is our week!!!
Here are the resources we’re using this week:

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