It’s Monday.  We’re back from an amazing week in Vegas.  I worked in my classroom today.  My body thinks we’re still in Vegas…I’m a little tired…but super excited to be back into the blogging routine and linking up for Monday Made It!
So…you see…what had happened was…I was Dealz (It’s like a Dollar Tree but prices go up to $10…) and saw this:
So my brain kicked into over drive!    I finally drove myself to the store (I got a new Smorgie1 before we left for Vegas…before that I was stuck at home with no wheels for a month.  People…I had to go a whole month with no Sonic.  Do you know excited I was this morning when I drove myself to Sonic?!?!  HAPPY DANCE HAPPY!!!!) and grabbed one.  These fun tic tac toe games are $10.  Not too shabby…
I was EXTRA thrilled when I opened it and saw that the Xs and Os weren’t on there!   YAY for blank spaces (Cue Taylor Swift music!).
Then I made these:
Click the picture for your freebies!
How freakin cute?!  My very sweet and talented friend Susanna at Whimsy Workshop made these!   She’s seriously amazing.  You must check her out!
Then I got some Velcro dots and placed them on each side of the tic tac toe spinners!
Then I attached the cards to the Velcro dots!
BAM!   All done!   So…how in the world will we use this!?
Here’s my plan:
For letters/sounds….the ‘staches will gently (YES GENTLY I SAID…which we all know is reality…) toss the bean bag.  Whichever spinny thing they hit and spin, they will say that letter/sound and color the letter on the recording sheet.
Recording sheets?!  What recording sheets?
So If I hit the spinner with the Z and it spins around, I would read that letter.  Make sense?!  Clear as mud?!
How much fun is this!?!
And…it’s reusable.
CVC words…Adding and Subtracting…
Real and Nonsense words
Word Families
The uses are many.  And the Velcro allows for easy change out!!!

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