Happy Sunday people!  It’s Schedulin Sunday here at the KS world headquarters!   
We’re down to a week and two days before turkey break, so why not celebrate turkey week?!  
(And let’s all appreciate the fact that we’re turkeys!)
As always, here our my lesson plans for ya!  Just click the picture to download your freebie!

Here are some books that we’ll be reading this week!
We will be using my Thanksgiving Research Creation to learn all about turkeys!
We will label turkeys…we will write about turkeys…we will paint turkeys…we will make turkeys.  
We ain’t eatin turkeys though…
Here are some of our turkey projects for the week:
I love these turkeys from Cara Carroll at The First Grade Parade.  I mean, they’re silly and colorful.  And well, they’re just awesome!  Maybe this year, we’ll add some glitter!
I love anything that we can hang from our ceiling.  So these turkeys are perfect.  And cute!  And fun!

These sight word turkeys are one of my favorite projects all year.  I love that we can assess sight words and make something beautiful!    And I love that this project helps my ‘staches understand the importance of sight words.  We are thankful for the words we can read!  
This turkey is available in my Gobble Gobble Creation! 
And now my all time most favorite project.  Ever.  Like for serious.  EVER!  
I did this my first year in kindergarten and fell in love so now we do it every year!  
It’s 3 paper plates.  2 brown.  1 orange.  Cut the orange in half.
Hot glue the brown plates to a popsicle stick.
Staple on the wings.  
Add eyes, beak and a gobbler and legs!  BAM! 

And people, last year….I’m not even kidding…this project was picked by Yahoo DIY as one of their top 10 turkey project fails!!    TRUE STORY!   Yahoo called 5 year old art projects a fail!
In math, we’re introducing subtraction!
I always start subtraction with the book Five Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed!
And if you’re going to read 5 little monkeys….
And if you’re going to use monkeys to introduce subtraction…
Then you must be a monkey.
After reading 5 little monkeys, we practice taking away our friends.  
Then we use our Chicka Chicka Boom Boom tree and some monkeys with Velcro on the back.
Each child puts some monkeys on the tree.  Then we take some off. 
We write the equation on our monkey chart!
Click the picture to see a detailed post on this lesson!
Here is a little monkey subtraction freebie for ya!
We also play GET OFF MY BOAT! to practice subtraction!
(This is perfect for Thanksgiving and the Mayflower!)
Make a boat on the floor using tape.
Write an equation or show on the Smartboard.
The correct number of students get on the boat.  
Then you say:  “GET OFF MY BOAT!”  And the correct number get off the boat (sit back down). 
And you have the answer!
And we do some sticker subtraction for small group work and extra practice!
Click here for your freebie!
For Foodie Fun Friday, we’re going to plant fish in the dirt.  Just like Squanto taught the Pilgrims to do…
Pudding…Swedish fish and oreos!
Click the picture to see more details on how we made our fish snack!
And that’s our week!
Here are some freebies for ya!
Here are some of the creations we’ll be using this week:

I’m linking up with my friend Deedee at Mrs. Wills Kindergarten for Peek At my Week!  Check it out for more great ideas! 

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