Ya’ll know I love DIY projects.  And glitter.  And ya’ll know I’m not normal and I like to be different and out of the box.  So, I got a little crazy and mixed holidays.  True story.  This math center features plastic eggs and shamrocks.  Simmer down Mr. Greg!!  Shamrock Counting combines my massive plastic egg collection with glittery shamrocks for a fun, hands on, engaging math center/hippopotamus!

shamrock counting

I found these glittery shamrocks at Michaels.  They are 24 shamrocks for $5.

I made a giant ten frame using construction paper.

st patrick's day ten frame

Since I can’t find plastic shamrock containers, green plastic eggs make a great substitute for my shamrock numbers!   And since I have 3 billion plastic eggs in the garage, I’m on a mission to find uses for all of them.

shamrock counting

Students open the eggs, say the number, use the shamrocks and ten frame to count.  Finally, they write the number and color the ten frame!

shamrock counting


Click on the image to get your freebie!

st. patrick's day math


Also check out these Shamrock Shake resources!


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