Addition And Subtraction Cups

I am recently obsessed with using plastic Solo cups in our classroom.  They’re fun and cheap and make great STEM activities.  The stacking of the cups is great for incorporating fine motor skills while we’re learning.  These addition and subtraction cups are our third Solo cup activity and the kids are loving it!   This activity gives us practice with addition and subtraction to 10 with a fun, hands on and engaging math activity!

addition and subtraction cups

These cups are super simple to create.  We used black plastic cups from Party City and neon shipping labels from Amazon!

The cups are $6.99 for 100 cups and they are buy one get one free!!  SCORE!   We bought 200 cups but ran short so you’ll need 300 if you’re going to do addition and subtraction cups to 10!

add subtract to 10 addition and subtraction cups addition and subtraction

Now, if you don’t want to print on labels that’s totally ok.  Just use a light-colored cup and you can write on the cups with Sharpies!  BAM!

Print your addition equations and answers on the labels.  And attach the labels to the cups.

addition and subtraction

Click to get your FREE addition and subtraction cup labels from our FREEBIES page!

Students solve the equation and match the equation cup and answer cup!  As they add and subtract they stack the cups!

addition to 10

kindergarten math

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