Zoo Animals and Place Value: Schedulin’ Sunday

schedulin sunday arctic animals

Happy  Schedulin’ Sunday!    This week is all about zoo animals and place value!  And that means we’re going to the zoo this week!!  Plus, we’re starting our end of the year Alphabet Countdown!  This year has FLOWN by!!!!  Wow!!!


Zoo Animal And Place Value Lesson Plans!

 zoo lesson plans

As always you can click on the image to download my weekly lesson plans about Zoo Animals and place value!

Zoo Animals

         zoo animals kindergarten    Earth Day

We will be using my Zoo Animals Research Project to learn about zoo animals!  Each day we will read, research and write about a different zoo animal as well as do an art project for each animal!   (My research project can be done an animal a day or you can focus on one animal and do an animal research project!).

For each animal we do a read aloud, a tree map, and we write about the animal.  We label the animal and do an art project for each animal!


zoo zoo zoo zoo animals

For more on our zoo animal research project, including all of our art projects,  check out this post!

zoo animals

Zoo Books

zoo books for kindergarten

Spoon Words

This is another one of my all time favorite lessons.  We get to use spoons to read oo words and we use Fruit Loops to build words.  And we get to read Everyone Poops!  What more could you ask for in a kindergarten lesson?!

We start off learning how to read oo words with a whole group lesson!

Day 2 we make an OO words anchor chart using spoons!  Hence SPOON WORDS!

oo word lesson

Day 3 we play our MOO!  game!   We pass the bag and kids read the oo words.  If they read the word they keep it!  And if not, we help them and then it goes back in the bag!  Finally,  they get a COW they say MOOOOO! and put all of their cards back in the bag!

oo words game

Click the image to get your FREE MOO!  game!

And finally for our assessment, we read Everyone Poops and build oo words with Fruit Loops!

oo words

Click the images to see a detailed post about our OO words and snag freebies!

For more on our ALPHABET COUNTDOWN check out this post for ideas and freebies!

Math-Place Value

In math, we will be reviewing place value and tens and ones!   Since we’ve done this in our calendar time but I want to spend a little more time on this skill to make sure we have a good grasp of the concept!

We will start off with our giant TENS AND ONES!   I am making these out of cardstock after seeing this idea from Melissa at I’m Just Sayin!  I will show a number and the students will use the giant manipulatives to build the number!

You can also use pool noodles for the same giant activity!

kindergarten place value

Day 2 we will do some individual hands on practice with building numbers using tens and ones!

For more place value ideas check out this post on introducing place value!


Zoo Freebies

zoo poem

These are the resources and creations we are using this week:


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