Adding To 10 And Black History Month: Schedulin’ Sunday

Happy  Schedulin’ Sunday! This week we are continuing our Black History Month researching project by researching and writing about Oprah, Jesse Owens, Garrett Morgan and Bessie Coleman!  We are also celebrating  the 100th day of school and adding to 10 with word problems!

And as always you can download my lesson plans by clicking the image below!

adding to 10 kindergarten word problems

Black History Month Research Project

The ‘staches will be using my Black History Month research creation to research and write about 4 different American heroes.   We will learn about their life, what they had to endure and overcome and their experiences and what we can learn from each of these people.  For each person, we read a book and watch a video and use our learning to create a graphic organizer.  Then we write about the person in our research journal and do a directed  drawing of that person.   This research project contains suggested books, a fact sheet for each person as well as all the materials needed to create your research journal and graphic organizers!

black history month kindergarten

black history month

For more on our Black History Month research project, check out this post!

This week we are also celebrating the 100th day of school!   We will dress up as 100 year old people.  And we eat 100 snacks.  Then we hunt for 100 Hershey Kisses.  We read Miss Bindergarten Celebrates the 100th Day Of School and make our famous 100th day hats!

100th day of school activities

For more 100th day activities and lessons, check out these resources!

100th day of school kindergarten

For more fun activities, lessons, art projects and ideas for the 100th Day of School, check out this post!

This week we’re we are kicking off  BLENDS Bootcamp!  Each week we are focusing on a family of blends.  This week is L blends.  We will do our circle maps, blend and build words and write words!

blends and digraphs kindergarten

Math: Adding To 10

In math, we are working on adding to 10 and word problems!  We start off with very concrete practice using candy hearts!  I give the students candy hearts and tell them a story.  They use their candy to solve the adding to 10 word problem.  Then we move to the students solving written word problems by drawing pictures and writing equations.

adding to 10

adding to 10

100th Day Freebies!

If you’re looking for some resources for the Winter Olympics, check out these creations!

winter olympics

Weekly Resources:


adding to 10

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