Happy Schedulin’ Sunday! This week we’re kicking off our Community Helpers Research Project, we’re celebrating Johnny Appleseed’s birthday with Apple Day and we’re introducing addition to 5!

Community Helpers Lesson Plans

As always, you can download our weekly lesson plans here:

Community Helpers Research Project

This week we are starting our Communty Helpers Research Project! This is always a favorite for the kids becuase they can make such strong connections to the community helpers.  We focus on 1 community helper a day with a read aloud, graphic organzier, labeling and writing.  We also throw in some directed drawings! 

This week we’re learning about crossing guards, veterinarians, doctors, and police officers!

ABC BOOTCAMP: Small Groups

We will be using our ABC BOOTCAMP decodable readers and letter and sounds hunt. I love these letter hunts because it allows to focus on each sound and work on identifying beginning sounds in words. These can be targeted based on data!

letters and sounds

Our ABC BOOTCAMP decodable books or alphabet books are differentiated so we can focus on words, letters and sounds or we can read predictable sentences.

For more on ABC BOOTCAMP, visit this post!

Apple Day

Since this week is Johnny Appleseed’s birthday, we will celebrate with APPLE DAY! This is a new one for us since we usually do a big apple unit, but this year we’re going to do a day of nothing but apples!

We will use our Apple Research Project to learn about apples! We will make a tree map, we will label the parts of an apple. We will do apple science and STEM! And Friday will be all apple food for Foodie Fun Friday!

And since art is a must do, we will make apple prints!

We will also be using our new Read It Up! creation for The Seasons Of Arnold’s Apple Tree!

Included in this resource are activities for our sink or float lesson, our apple tower STEM lesson and a graphing activity!

For more apple lessons, apples activities and resources, check out this post!

Poem And Sight Word Reader: Community Helpers

The week our shared reading sight word reader is about Community Helpers!

Math: Addition To 5

This week in math we are introducing addition to 5. True story. We introduce this concept in a very hands on concrete way. And we keep working on addition in hands on, concrete ways all year long. We will start by adding fingers becuase they are built in manipulatives. And then we will use counters.

Get On My Boat

One of our favorite activities for addition (and subtraction) is Get On My Boat! This is a very concrete lesson and a very engaging lesson so it really helps students undersand that add means put together!

To play: simply make a boat on the floor. Have some students get on the boat. Designate some more as swimmers. Then yell SHARK! When the swimmers jump on the boat, you “put together” and add!

To see this lesson in action, check out this post:

Mad Science: Apple Science

This week our Mad Science experiments will be all about apples! First, we will see if apples sink or float. Then we will do an apples STEM activity where students use toothpicks and apple pieces to build an apple tower!

Weekly Resources

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