Happy Schedulin’ Sunday! This week we’re wrapping up our fairy tales by comparing and contrasting fairy tales, and continuing Vowel Bootcamp! We’re also working on greater than less than and comparing numbers and learning about Chinese New Year!
Greater Than Less Than Lesson Plans
Here are our lesson plans for the week! Simply click the image to download our lesson plans for Greater Than Less Than.
AND….our lesson plans are now clickable! You can click on any book or resource and go directly to that creation or book!
Chinese New Year Research Project
This week we are learning about Chinese New Year with our Chinese New Year Research Project. For this research project, we make a tree map, a traditions chart and do a graphing activity.

Vowel Bootcamp
Then we are continuing Vowel Bootcamp! Our focus is on CVC-E words. We do one vowel a week. Monday is a circle chart, Tuesday is word building, Wednesday is word writing in whole group using whiteboards. Thursday the students do word writing on their own. Friday students do a word/picture match.

For small group work, we use our Vowel Bootcamp decodable readers!

For more on Vowel Bootcamp, including videos of Vowel Bootcamp in action, check out this post:
Read It Up: Fairy Tales
This week we are wrapping our fairytale unit by comparing and contrasting The Three Little Pigs. , Little Red Riding Hood and Goldilocks. We spent a week on each fairy tale so this week we will spend the week comparing all 3 fairy tales to each other and then writing about our favorite.

For more on our Read It Up! comprehension resources, check out this post:
If you’re looking for a non-fiction unit about pigs to incorporate with your Three Pigs unit, check out our Pigs Research Project!
Math: Greater Than Less Than/Comparing Numbers
This week we’re working on greater than less than and comparing numbers.
We work on this skill in our calendar time so this week our focus is on writing the correct symbol to show greater than less than. This week we will use our Math It Up: Comparing Numbers creation.
We introduce greater than less than symbol using ourselves and our smart board!

For the rest of the week we focus on writing the numbers and using the correct symbol to show greater than less than.

And yes, if you’re going to compare numbers to practice greater than less than, you must dress like an alligator.

For more ideas and activities for comparing numbers, check out this blog post:
100th Day Of School
This week we’re celebrating our 100th day of school. On Monday. That means we have the rest of the week to enjoy the excitement of a day-long party. And yes, our 100th day of school is a day-long party.
To celebrate, we make hats. We hunt for 100 Hershey Kisses. We write 100 words and we make a 100-day stew! And so much more!

For more 100th day activities, check out this blog post:

Foodie Fun Friday And Mad Science Thursday
Mad Science Thursday is making sparkly gems! We use ice cream salt and watercolors.

For all the details on how to make your own sparkling gems, check out this post:
Foodie Fun Friday will be noodles and rice using chopsticks and a fortune cookie!

FREE Poem And Emergent Reader
These are the creations we are using this week: