Schedulin’ Sunday: Vowels, Unicorns And Subtraction

This week we’re continuing Vowel Bootcamp, working on subtraction, learning about past and present, finishing our plants research project, and celebrating National Unicorn Day!

Note: This year, my goal is to show you that you can use our TKS resources along with required curriculums and continue to have fun, so you’ll see that happening throughout the school year!

District Guidelines-UPDATED

  • Masks are now HIGHLY RECOMMENDED but not required
  • We are keeping our enhanced cleaning procedures (wipe down surfaces throughout the day, steam sanitize the room daily, hand sanitizer/hand washing throughout the day, steam mop the floors daily, etc)
  • I have added an air purifier to our classroom after reading the research from Johns Hopkins that these can help reduce the spread of Covid and other germs. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE PURIFIER I ORDERED!

Lesson Plans

As always, you can download our weekly lesson plans by clicking on the image!

You can get our EDITABLE lesson plan template by clicking on the image below:


In keeping with the pacing of our foundational skills curriculum, this week we’re learning about double consonants. BUT, I noticed in the last few weeks that my students’ writing could be so much better if they had the CVC-E pattern so I will be adding in Vowel Bootcamp to give my students what they need. We will do a circle chart, work on decoding, writing words and we will be using our decodable readers.

Monday-circle chart- students come with the words, segment the sounds, spell the word, read the word and I draw the picture

Tuesday-word building-build and decode the words

Wednesday-word writing-segment sounds, write the words

Thursday-decoding and word writing

Friday-word match (assessment)

We will also be using our CVC-E decoding cards for extra practice!

And yes, Vowel Bootcamp and the entire TKS BOOTCAMP curriculum are aligned to the science of reading. And it has been from day 1 because that’s how I was taught to teach reading so it’s what I’ve always done!

Sight Word 60!

This week we are continuing Sight Word 60! After spending the summer learning more about the science of reading, we are continuing with Sight Word 60. We have always had decoding and encoding (writing) of the words as part of Sight Word 60 so we will continue that and will increase the amount of decoding and writing. We will also use orthographic mapping and we’re changing our order of sight words to align to the 109 most frequent words (even though we do 100 words…). You can learn all the details of how Sight Word 60 works on the linked blog post and you can get everything you need for Sight Word 60 in our Sight Word 60 creation!

Explore It Up: Home Then And Now

We are continuing to learn about the past and present. This week we’re reading Home Then And Now. We will do a notice and wonder, chart, identify the main idea, and do a home/school sort.


This week we’re working on subtraction with our Math It Up! Subtracting Cars creation! This math creation is just like our Math It Up! Adding Cars creation. We will use toy cars to practice subtraction to 10 and writing equations.

Monday-put cars on the mat, take cars away, and model how to write equations.

Tuesday-ten frames=put cars in ten frames, take away, write equations

Wednesday-Cars in the garage story problems-put cars in the garage, take them out, write equations.

Thursday and Friday-small groups

Research Project: Plants

This week we are finsihing our Plants Research Project to learn about plants, how plants grow, and what plants do for us!

We will end our research project by completing our schema map and adding our new learning and addressing misconceptions.

We use read alouds and videos to learn about plants. We record our learning on graphing organizers. This week we’re learning the life cycle of plants, planting grass seed, doing a true false sort, and listing all the ways plants help us!


Mad Science Thursday

We’re also celebrating National Unicorn Day this week! And that means we’re making unicorn slime! We follow our slime recipe found in our Mad Science creation and we add unicorn confetti!

Click the image to get unicorn confetti from Amazon!

National Unicorn Day

April 9 is National Unicorn Day but April 9 is a Saturday so we’re celebrating on Friday, April 8! It’s an all-day celebration with read alouds, graphing, snacks, art projects, and costumes!

Foodie Fun Friday

This week our Foodie Fun Friday snack is a unicorn snack! Marshmallows, unicorn pudding (it’s found at the grocery store and comes in pink and blue!), whipped cream, and sprinkles!

The Mister also makes unicorn bark for the class!

Morning Meeting Greeting

This week our morning meeting greeting is a rainbow greeting. I use a PowerPoint and the kid’s picture pops up from the rainbow and we greet one another. Our activity is the number game. We count to 20 and if you’re 20, you sit down!

This week’s resources:


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