Week 14 of kindergarten is all about Stone Soup, phonics, decomposing numbers and more!
Lesson Plans

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We have a required foundational skills curriculum that we follow and supplement with our TKS BOOTCAMP resource, especially for extra practice and small group work! Our TKS BOOTCAMP curriculum works with ALL curriculums or as a stand-alone resource! This week, we are continuing Word Family Bootcamp to focus on CVC words, blending and decoding words, writing words, and lots of word chaining!

Word Family Bootcamp is about taking the sounds we learned in ABC BOOTCAMP and using them to read words. We do two word families a week. Day 1 is the circle chart, where we segment sounds, spell the word, and blend the word. We also discuss rhyming words. When working with the sounds, we use all 3 sounds in the word and practice smooth and bumpy blending. Day 2 is word blending, word chaining, and word writing. In small groups, we use decodable readers, word chaining, and look-alike words to differentiate instruction.

Word Family Bootcamp is an all-inclusive resource that is aligned with the science of reading! Word Family Bootcamp includes whole group lessons, small group lessons, decodable readers, and centers!

We also have an intervention hour, and our team has decided to focus on beginning sounds using picture sorts! We are using our Beginning Sounds Picture Sorts resource! The students are now doing these independently. We review the sound on the page and then practice the words to know what the words are. Then the students work on their own, and I begin calling small groups.

We’re also using our Digital Word Building Resource to do word chaining to work on blending CVC words!

Once again, this year, we’re using our required reading curriculum and supplementing it with our Read It Up! resources and TKS research projects. This week, we are continuing our unit about farms! We’re reading an informational text about farm animals to collect text evidence about animals. The kids then draw and write about an animal.

Our district has adopted a new math curriculum (AGAIN!), so we’re trying to figure it out because it’s a lot, and it’s not aligned with our state standards, so there’s that. We’re using the curriculum and supplementing it with our MATH IT UP! resources!

This week, we’re introducing decomposing numbers. The lessons seem all over the place and start a little abstract, so we’re adding in some scaffolding to make it easier. That means it’s time for giant number bonds. The lesson is about different combinations of cupcakes to make 6. So we will let the kids be giant cupcakes in the number bond! We will write equations on whiteboards.

The next lesson is Shake and spill! The curriculum has the kids making dots on dominos so we’re going to do that! And we added that activity to our Making 10 creation!

We also will do some whole group shake and spill using giant red and yellow counters made from red and yellow craft foam! We “spill” the giant counters and make the number on our chart paper!

We’re also doing ducks in a pond. Basically, how many ducks are in and out of the pond.

Thanksgiving-Stone Soup
This week we’re celebrating kindness and thankfulness with Stone Soup. These stories are great for teaching us the importance of sharing, kindness, and helping one another so they’re perfect for Thanksgiving.

Each day we read a different version of the story and do our story map. We make a giant pot on butcher paper. We use sticky notes for the story elements. As the week goes on, we’re discussing similarities and differences in the stories.

We also get to create our own stone soup! After they create their soup, they have to tell me what’s included. This helps build language and vocabulary!

And finally, we have our feast! We make stone soup that includes a real stone, we make our own butter, and sit down together for a friendship feast!

The butter recipe is heavy whipping cream and salt and lots of shaking!

Click this image to see all of the different versions of the story that we use in our classroom!

If you’re looking for Thanksgiving ideas for the week, grab our Thanksgiving Research Project!


Click below for the resources we are using in our classroom this week.

For more information, check out these posts: