
Kindergarten Lessons: Pirates, Apples, And Addition

kindergarten lessons for science and math

It’s week 8 of kindergarten, and our kindergarten lessons and kindergarten activities are ready for ABC BOOTCAMP, pirates, apples, Last Stop On Market Street, and more! Oh yeah…it’s also our first field trip of the year, and my birthday celebration is on Friday!

Kindergarten Lessons: Lesson Plans

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kindergarten lessons and lesson plans
kindergarten activities and lesson plans

Kindergarten Lessons: ABC BOOTCAMP

kindergarten activities for phonics

This week, we’re wrapping ABC BOOTCAMP! The fun, the cutting skills, and the growth that we have with ABC BOOTCAMP make it a must-do! This week, we’re doing k and x! We’re once again following the order of our required district curriculum.

We do a circle chart for each letter with explicit instructions for sounds and letters using a sounds-first approach. And we also provide explicit handwriting instruction. We also make a hat to build phonemic awareness and vocabulary while practicing cutting skills.

For handwriting, I explicitly model how to form each letter, and students practice independently!

kindergarten activities and kindergarten worksheets for handwriting

We also practice writing the letter during our morning message!

kindergarten activities for abc bootcamp morning meeting ideas

And, of course, we make our ABC BOOTCAMP hats! This week, we’re making a koala and a fox.

Kindergarten Lessons: Phonemic Awareness Bootcamp

kindergarten activities phonemic awareness

This week, we also continue Phonemic Awareness Bootcamp! Phonemic Awareness Bootcamp is all about hearing the sounds and the oral language. We start with sentences and work our day down to sounds in words, segmenting etc. This research-based resource is designed for each lesson to take about 10 minutes, and then we move to ABC BOOTCAMP, which has explicit phonics and combines sounds and letters. This week in Phonemic Awareness Bootcamp, we’re working on skill 3, which is hearing beginning sounds. We do a circle chart of pictures to identify beginning sounds. This is different from ABC BOOTCAMP because there is no written text.

kindergarten activities for phonemic awareness and beginning sounds

Kindergarten Lessons: Sight Words

This week, we’re continuing sight words in our classroom using our science of reading-aligned resource: Sight Word 60! And yes, you can still teach sight words as long as you teach students to decode, spell, write, and read the words in context! We’re not teaching them to memorize words anymore. We did our first week of Sight Word 60, and it went great! The kids did great and learned the words so quickly so I’m excited to see the continued growth!

Here’s the routine:

Monday-introduce the words by segmenting the sounds, decoding the words, spelling the words and I use the word in a sentence.

Tuesday and Wednesday-review the words with segmenting and decoding the words, kids use the words in a sentence

Thursday-sight word: Students find and color the word!

kindergarten activities for sight words

Friday-we play a game to practice the words!

Kindergarten Lessons: Last Stop On Market Street

This week, we’re finally wrapping up Last Stop On Market Street and using our Read It Up! resource to build comprehension skills.

weekly lesson plans for reading comprehension

One of my favorite kindergarten activities is to create a graffiti wall! This is a great comprehension activity for all parts of a story. You can use this for your favorite part of the story, what you see, what you hear, etc. I give students a small piece of paper, and they draw their favorite part of the story. They share it with the class, and we add it to our graffiti wall! Fast and easy!

kindergarten activities for comprehension skills

Kindergarten Lessons: Apples

This week we’re kicking off our apples unit using our Apples Research Project! We’re going to learn vocabulary, life cycles, and more!

We start with a schema map! The students share their schema about apples and I record everything they share!

We use read alouds and videos to do our research and learning. As we learn, we record the information on our graphic organizers!

This week we will also label the parts of an apple. Labeling is great for learning about adaptions, how parts of something work together and for learning explicit vocabulary!

We will also be doing apple art projects! Our first project is a paper plate apple. We cut paper plates to look like an apple that’s been bitten! We use paint sticks to paint the apples and add a leaf and stem. Our second project will be a torn paper apple! We love torn paper projects because of the fine motor work they provide!

Kindergarten Lessons: Addition And Subtraction

This week our curriculum introduces add and subtract. True story. It’s actually been this way for many years in our district and works very well. This first introduction is very concrete and introduces the skill as “join and separate.” We talk about 1 and 2 is 3, etc.

The curriculum uses ducks as a way to introduce the skills so we’re using our Math It Up! Adding Ducks resource!

Yes, we use this giant inflatable duck for our lessons. The kids get on the duck to practice “joining!” We talk about how add means join or put together and we count to find out the answer.

And since Thursday is National Talk Like A Pirate Day, we use our Get On The Boat lesson to practice adding! Here’s how it works: We make a boat on the floor. Some students get on the boat and some are “swimming” around the boat. I yell “SHARK!” and the swimmers jump on the boat and we count to find the answer!

kindergarten lessons for introducing addition

Introducing Centers

This week, we are continuing to introduce and practice centers! We’ve introduced tubs, write the room, library, and sensory bin, and we’re wrapping up with our lightbox, then we can introduce the wheel! In math we have introduced tubs, count the room, sensory bin, and see count graph! Next week is ten frame cards and lightbox!

kindergarten lessons and kindergarten worksheets

Kindergarten Lessons: National Talk Like A Pirate Day

Thursday, September 19th is National Talk Like A Pirate Day so we’re celebrating all day! We’re using our newest Read It Up! resource for Pirates Love Underpants!

We will be sequencing the story and learning pirate vocabulary! We will dress up and eat pirate’s booty and we will do handprint pirates!

And we do a fun green screen picture!

kindergarten lessons for pirate day

Kindergarten Lessons: Morning Meeting

This week, our greeting will be a pirate greeting! This will be a PowerPoint greeting where the kids will appear on the pirate ship and we will greet them!

kindergarten lesson plans for SEL



My birthday is Sunday, September 22 so we’re celebrating on Friday and that means Foodie Fun Friday is birthday cake!


Click below for the resources we are using in our classroom this week:

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