Raise your hand if you love the book Creepy Carrots and love some fun kindergarten reading comprehension ideas! Seriously, it’s a must-read. I was introduced to the book about two years ago and it immediately became a classic! I love it, the kids love it and it’s full of teaching possibilities.

Kindergarten Reading Comprehension: Creepy Carrots
One of the areas that my students struggle with is reading comprehension. Part of this is a language barrier because most of my students speak little to no English. Recognizing this weakness in my teaching and my student’s learning, I wanted something that would really allow us to focus on comprehension. That’s what Read It Up does! It focuses on retelling, story maps, sequencing, vocabulary (HUGE FOR MY KIDS!), and story-specific literacy skills such as problem/solution, compare/contrast, etc. Using this has greatly improved our comprehension of stories and books!
After reading the story, the class had to retell the story with details, including characters and settings. I recorded their retelling. After we made the chart, we orally retold the story using the sequencing words.

Then, the students had to use the retelling page to retell the story using drawings! After finishing their drawings, they had to retell the story to me again. This served as a great assessment!

We also do a story map to focus on story elements and identifying the beginning, middle and end of the story.

Kindergarten Math: Creepy Carrots
We also include math skills in our Creepy Carrots activities! We graphed our feelings on carrots: creepy or yummy!

Kindergarten Comprehension Lessons: Creepy Carrot STEM Activity
Since Jasper had a problem with the carrots getting out of the field and the carrots had a problem with Jasper getting into the field, we decided to build a fence to keep our carrots in the field! We used possible sticks, tape, and a plastic egg for our STEM project!

Kindergarten Comprehension Lessons: Creepy Carrots Art

And yes, there is a costume!

Click Here To See The Full Creepy Carrots Preview

See Video Preview:

You can see all of our READ IT UP creations here:

For more ideas and resources, check out these posts: