Welcome to week 10 of kindergarten, the start of the second quarter and lots of fun kindergarten lessons and learning! We’re back from fall break and ready to pack our days with bats, monsters, Rap A Tap Tap, addition and subtraction and more! Keep reading to see what we have planned this week!
Weekly Kindergarten Lessons: Lesson Plans
You can download our weekly lesson plans by clicking on the image!
You can get our lesson plan templates here:
Kindergarten Lessons: Word Family BOOTCAMP
We successfully completed ABC BOOTCAMP, so this week, we’re starting Word Family Bootcamp! Word Family Bootcamp focuses on decoding, blending, segmenting, spelling, writing, and reading CVC words! This week, we’re working with -at and -ap words! We do two word families a week, and the focus is on all three sounds in the word! We do circle charts, word chaining, and word writing, and we use decodable texts!
Kindergarten Lessons: Phonemic Awareness Bootcamp
This week, we also continue Phonemic Awareness Bootcamp! Phonemic Awareness Bootcamp is all about hearing the sounds and the oral language. We start with sentences and work our day down to sounds in words, segmenting, etc. This research-based resource is designed for each lesson to take about 10 minutes. Then we move to Word Family BOOTCAMP, which has explicit phonics instruction focused on blending, decoding, spelling, and writing CVC Words. This week in Phonemic Awareness Bootcamp, we’re working on skill 4, which is Rhyming or the same ending sound.
Kindergarten Lesson Plans: Sight Words
This week, we’re continuing sight words in our classroom using our science of reading-aligned resource: Sight Word 60! And yes, you can still teach sight words as long as you teach students to decode, spell, write, and read the words in context! We’re not teaching them to memorize words anymore.
Here’s the routine:
Monday: I will introduce the words by segmenting the sounds, decoding the words, spelling them, and using the word in a sentence.
Tuesday and Wednesday-review the words with segmenting and decoding the words; kids use the words in a sentence
Thursday-sight word: Students find and color the word!
Friday-we play a game to practice the words!
Kindergarten Lessons: Rap A Tap Tap
This week, our required curriculum has us reading the book Rap A Tap Tap. This is definitely a must-read, and I highly recommend the book. I love the story about Bojangles, the tap dancer, and the lessons we learn about equality and helping others.
We will be making predictions, sharing our notices and wonders, and collecting evidence for what we see and hear!
We also get to act out the story by recreating some of the scenes! And we get to tap dance, For this, I bought straps and metal buckles for the kids to slide onto their shoes. Then we tap dance so they can experience what it sounds like to tap dance!
Kindergarten Lessons: Bats
This week we’re starting our Bats Research Project!
We start with a schema map about bats. We share our schema about bats!
This week we’re learning about bats using a can-have-are chart, and we’re labeling the parts of bats to learn about adaptations and habitats!
We will also do a directed drawing of a bat!
We’re adding a new bat art project this week: mosaic bats. I will cut squares of black, gray and purple paper for the kids to glue onto bat shapes!
We’re also doing our green screen bat pictures this week!
Kindergarten Lessons: Addition And Subtraction
This week, we’re continuing to work on addition and subtraction. This week we’re starting to work with equations! We’re taking lessons from our curriculum and making them more hands on and engaging.
For addition, we’re doing monster math! Lesson one is going to be whole group. I’m going ot make a monster on poster board and we will add teeth to the monster’s mouth to add. The students will be writing equations on their white boards.
Tuesday will be independent practice using monster mats and candy corn!
Stay tuned for the monster math resources coming soon!
For subtraction, we’re subtracting pizza slices! We will take away slices and write equations on our whiteboards.
Kindergarten Lessons: Monster Day
We love theme days in our classroom so this week our theme day is MONSTERS!
We’re going to read the book How To Catch A Monster and use our brand new Read It Up! resource to complete a story map!
Our monster phonics lesson will be to feed the monster -at and -ap words. I will make a monster out of poster board and write the words on sticky notes. We will decode the words, spell the words and write the words. Then we will “feed” the monster by sticking the words on the monter.
Monster math will be using our monster poster to add and subtract teeth!
Our monster art project will be a sponge painting monster!
Kindergarten Lessons: Morning Meeting
This week, our greeting will be a bat greeting. This will be a PowerPoint greeting where the bat flies away to reveal a picture. We will greet the friend.
Our activity will be passing a small pumpkin using spoons!
Mad Science Thursday
Our Mad Science Thursday is flying bats. I found some small wooden bat cutouts on Amazon. I will tape a piece of a straw to the back of the bat. Tape pieces of ribbon are placed on our classroom walls (enough for each kid to have one). The kids will slide the bat onto the ribbon and they will raise and lower the ribbon to make the bat fly.
Our Foodie Fun Friday is on Monster Day so we’re having monster milkshakes!
Click below for the resources we are using in our classroom this week: